Chapter 2 (Finding Ana)

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Cam and Johnny woke up fairly early.
Showered and got dressed.
Johnny packed two ready bags while Cam was in the shower.
"What's that for?" Cam mumbled as he dried his hair with the towel.
"Well I figure we feel out dad our uncles and grandpa, if they talk us out of going for her we'll just go out that door and find her ourselves." Johnny shrugged as he grabbed the book on the Rouges and shoved it in his bag.
"You think it would be okay to go alone?
We don't know how these people work and we are still new with our spiritual armor and these realms." Cam sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed.
"Cam are you chickening out on me? Cuz either way I am going.
I'd like it if you came but I'm not going to force you." Johnny said as he sat next to Cam.
"No I'm coming, just pointing out a few things you may have overlooked." Cam shrugged...
At breakfast Johnny started asking questions about the Rouges.
"They are a group that use to fight with us against the enemy, many are old generals.
They don't want to follow the rules of the law.
We don't go just after our enemies to just destroy them and get them out of our hair.
When we have to fight we do, we don't go looking for a battle.
But the Rouges they will hunt down the enemy's camps and destroy them just to destroy.
They will kill in cold blood and if anyone get in their way will also be destroyed.
Instead of freeing the hostages they will enslave them or force them to join their side." Bash was the one to tell them.
"Why such an interest?" Alex added.
"Oh well I saw a flier posted at the train station it has a spider on a web and said 'Beware of Rouges.'
So I was just curious." Johnny shrugged with a sigh as he excused himself.
Johnny knew they were not gonna like his idea, heck Cam might not like the new idea he was having...
"Is everything okay?" Kay asked as she was snuggling up to Cam on the sofa as he was helping Emily with her card trick.
"Yeah just still trying to wrap my head around having a sister." Cam kissed Kay.
"Uncle Cam...
Dose that mean I have an aunt?" Emily leaned back and looked up at him.
Cam kissed her forhead and tickled her.
"You already have an aunt Kay silly." Cam smothered the giggling six year old in kisses.
As he held her tight Cam sighed.
"I can't believe all the years we lost with her." Cam was resting his chin on Emily's head as he talked to Kay mainly.
"Hey its going to be okay.
We'll find her and you all can make up for lost time." Kay hugged him.
Cam excused himself leaving a new pack of small my little pony cards for Emily.
Emily was thrilled and wanted to hug him but like the magician he was Cam was already out of her view.
"Its okay he knows you love your present, he's just having a tough day." Kay pulled the little girl close and had her show off the new trick Cam just taught her...
The boys strolled around Ana's room still trying to get a feel for her.
"Why didn't you tell them what we found?" Cam asked as he picked up a wooden wolf toy and examined it wondering if she carved.
"Because I think I know how we'll get there and its best if its just us." Johnny sighed as he made sure there wasn't anything of value in their bags.
"Come on." Johnny shoved Cam's bag into his arms and pulled Cam along by his sleeve.
They went to a small realm train station.
It contained a lot of warning signs about the Rouges.
"Gee thats comforting...
Look they know who's attacking the train.
I don't get it why allow them to be if they are pretty much the enemy as well." Cam said as he grabbed a pamphlet.
"You heard Bash they don't go looking for their enemies." Johnny sighed as they got on the train.
"So are you going to clue me in on you plan?" Cam nudged Johnny.
Johnny was looking put the window when he spotted movement on the hill.
"Yeah I think its not going to do you any good to know now...
Cam whatever happens remain calm and don't give those guys a reason to kill you." Johnny said as he stood up to get a better look, he watched as men on horses with bandanas covering there face road along the train.
"You know I knew this was going to be a bad idea." Cam grumbled as he slumped back in his seat.
Johnny took the isle seat next to Cam.
Other people were scared as the train slammed to a halt and man with guns yelling orders boarded the train.
The boys were scared too but playing hostage their whole life they could appear calm when they are not.
"Reamain seated and no one gets hurt.
Place all valuables in the basket passed to you...
That includes your gold bible tags." The man chuckled knowing he was going to kill and take slaves for that one.
Gasps and complaints could be heard.
"I will not give this up to the likes of you." Some guy stood and got in his face.
Without hesitation he was shot while his wife held onto her little ones.
"My apologies mam." He acted sincere as he held his basket in her face.
"Either you give it over or I kill you or enslave you." He got close to her face.
"No." She whimpered.
"Your choice." He stood back ordered his men to take the children away as he shot her.
He turned and looked at Cam and Johnny who both made a small whimper sound.
The man flopped on the seat infront of them.
They were making a point not to look at what was going on or at him.
"You don't actually think if you don't see it means its not actually happening?" The man chuckled as he leaned towards them.
"I don't see your Bible tag chains." He pushed them both to sitting up straight as he moved their shits while keeping his gun on them.
"We snuck aboard, we didn't get our tags yet." Johnny stammered.
The man looked at him questionably.
"Your like what twenty-three, twenty-four.
You expect me to believe you blue eyed twins don't have bible tags." The man shook his head as he snapped his fingers and two of his men were there.
"Take these two to the wagon, don't hurt them.
Thats my job." The man smirked under his face covering.
Once everyone they wanted were taken off the train and shoved into the wagon the rest were killed.
Mainly adult males, to mothers with infants.
"No why!?
Their just babies!" The boys yelled as they tried to get out of the caged wagon by picking the lock as the men were throwing infants like garbage against rocks.
"Shut up!" two of the men came over.
Johnny tried to war Cam but it was to late and they both got rammed with clubs Johnny in the gut and Cam in the head.
Johnny laid on the wagon floor gasping for air watching helplessly as Cam half cried as he held his head.
"They are of no use." A young boy whispered.
His blue eyes full of sarrow.
"What?" Johnny coughed as he helped Cam sit up against the bars so he could asses the damage.
"We are able to do hard labor, work in the fields, become their soldiers.
The girls the same but with the add of breading.
See most of these little girls will be considered for breading by the time they are thirteen.
Some probably already are thirteen." The boy sighed as two little girls clung to his sides sniffling.
"What's your names?" Johnny sighed with a smirk as Cam rested his head on Johnny's shoulder.
"Miles, these two squirts are Tilly and Lilly." Miles sighed as he pulled the girls tighter.
We won't let them touch you kids...
How old are they?" Johnny asked.
"Thankfully they are eight.
But you can't really do anything if you try they will hurt you, limit your food intake and separate you.
Please don't do anything." Miles pleaded...
The wagon finally came to a halt and the thick tarp was ripped off exposing them to the bright sun and everyone gathered to see the new comers.
Ana stood there at the front with Ishmael in front of her.
"Ana!" Ishmael spotted and pointed at the twins.
Ana looked up and met their eyes in terror.
She even knew the three Johnny had talked to on the way there.
Can you please allow me to pick my house guests?" Ana asked as Rufus stood in front of her and saw who she was locked onto with her eyes.
"Like blonds do you." Rufus winked.
Ana sighed.
"Their my brothers." Ana chuckled softly.
Rufus' eyes went wide.
He heard Ana telling Ishmael the stories about them.
Rufus was glad they would finally be together but this was not a happy family reunion spot.
"I'll see what I can do." Rufus smirked and winked as he got to his post.
"These five will start with field work.
See where you can fit them Rufus." Jasper sighed he too knew the stories mainly through Rufus.
But Jasper also knew of their royalty and that he and Rufus kept secret.
"Hey keep your heads down here.
Pull anything like you did back at the train will only get you killed." Jasper winked as Rufus led them away.
"Jasper is one of the good ones." Rufus smirked.
He killed people." Johnny grumbled.
"Nah everything Jasper dose is staged.
The husband and wife you saw killed." Rufus pointed at the couple helping with the unload of the wagon with their children playing by them.
"Okay the people killed on the train after we were taken off?" Cam asked.
"All staged.
You who were loaded in the wagon were the only ones not in on it.
Its funny how they allow the train to stay operating and that people use it but than yet when we get word of elderly or weak people we hold off.."
Rufus explained as he walked with them to Ana's hut.
"Wait are the girls really only kept for breading?" Miles asked as he clung to his sisters.
Rufus knelt in front of the girls and produced two lollipops.
"No they will get a choice.
We're not barbarrens." Rufus chuckled as he stood up.
"Well your not." Ana smirked.
"Go take your family home.
I need to talk to Jasper.
Oh boys do not allow anyone know who you really are." Rufus said as he walked away.
"Hi Johnny." Ana finally got to say once alone.
"I can't believe you were in my face before and I didn't know who you were." Johnny said as tears filled his eyes.
Without hesitation or care of squishing Ishmael Johnny hugged her as Ishmael squirmed out gasping for air jokingly.
Cam smirked and chuckled at the boy.
Cam waited for his turn to hug his sister.
"Okay please tell me you have a plan." Ana said as she still had her arm around Cam as he too was still giving her a side hug.
"Yeah I think I might.
So far Rufus and Jasper have given away they are not one with these Rouges but I need to figure out their angle first." Johnny said.
"Well I think they're spies." Ishmael said as he stood in front of Johnny who was holding his shoulders.
Johnny sat down on the chair and turned Ishmael to look at him.
"Why do you think that?" Johnny asked.
"Both are nice and Jaspers tricks Draco into thinking they are killing people but unread Jasper is kidnapping those who can actully fight back.
I mean look at you three." Ismael chuckled.
"Cute kid...
Yeah we can fight if we have to but not how you think.
We did some training." Johnny sighed as Ishmael stood between Johnny's legs leaning against his chest as the adults continued talking.
Johnny started messing with a new coin he found in Ana's room back at the castle while talking, which intreaged the kids.
Cam sat in the other chair messing with his cards also entertaining the kids as they still tried to figure out what to do on escaping.
"Wait you two are masters of deception.
I know a few more who can do stuff if we all figure something out we could tare this place at its seams.
Ishmael started trying to get the coin.
Johnny and Cam chuckled at him.
"Wait Ana we are here to get you and as many we can out.
Not start a war." Johnny practically snapped as he let Ishmael get the coin.
"There is no way I am leaving anyone here.
That Draco works for the evil one personally.
No we all go or no one goes." Ana snapped back.
Causing Ishmael to jump.
Johnny gave the boy a hug.
"Take the girls outside and play, stay close okay." Johnny sighed.
Miles went outside with them as well.
"Look I will take you out of here kicking and screaming, we are doing whatever Cam and I come up with.
I can garentee there will be people left behind unless by some chance they get out with us but my main concern is my family and those kids outside the door.
Everyone else comes second." Johnny scolded.
"Yeah well just so you know those three are Nik's kids.
How do you feel about them now Johnathan?" Ana said smugly.
"Look you are just as stubborn as me so I know this game.
I will still protect them, their kids.
Nik's or not.
Now back to those people you think can help." Johnny smirked as Ana clearly had a give up look Cam gives him.
"Don't feel bad he dose it to me all the time." Cam teased.
"Well there's Jasper and his men you already met.
Rufus he's excellent with slide of hand.
And a few others who can make you literally dissapear.
They know how to make transition clothes that can change with the scenery." Ana smirked.
"And thats how everyone escapes." Johnny smirked.
"Okay get them working on everyone's clothes I want to be out of here asap.
Cam get those kids in here." Johnny grabbed a note book and pencil.
Cam and Johnny worked on their plan and how to do it on a large scale.
Ana sat there just watching them quietly as everyone else crashed on her bed.
"There's a cave.
It goes out to the ruins no one goes there except some teens that are still hiding there." Ishmael said when Johnny said they needed a place to hide.
"Can you show us?" Johnny asked.
"Yeah." Ishmael grabbed Johnny and Cam's hands and lead them out.
"Where you off too in such a hurry?" Rufus and Jasper stood in the way.
"The ruins." Ishmael shrugged.
Johnny and Cam sighed.
Jasper and Rufus smirked.
"I'll go with them." Jasper grabbed a sack of food...

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