Chapter 31 (Night Walkers)

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*What is a Night Walker (NW)?
Some say they are are not even human.
Others say they are the missing that have been brainwashed and are now doing the bidding for the evil ones.
Has anyone saw one up close?
If they did they are among the missing.
How to spot an NW...
They wear dark cloaks with hoods, they smell of death and their eyes are soulless, except at night they tend to have the glow of embers as they search for those they want.
They can smell fear taste it even.
Everyone in Owl Woods knows this, that's why at night they stay inside, they don't even dare step out onto their balconies.
Every light is turned off as everyone stays quiet and pray.*
The NW can never find them as long as they stay in the trees, the homes are literally invisible to them but if someone was on the ground by mistake well thats the biggest mistake of all...
Cam and Johnny were getting dinner together while Kay and Dina went to the ladies night in the great hall.
Octavia, Bellamy and Penny were outside playing.
It was growing dim but usually thats not concerning.
Cam was setting the table when the warning horn blew.
It was a nerve wracking sound only because the NW follow.
Johnny and Cam stopped what they were doing and ran to the draw bridge where everyone was running up blocking their way.
Johnny spotted Travis and Matty trying to get the kids up.
Cam and Johnny jumped over the rails to get to them.
Johnny scooped up Octavia while Cam got Penny.
The bridge was already going up.
"Take the girls." Johnny yelled to one of the people.
Johnny had Octavia stand on his shoulder so the man could get her.
Johnny did the same with Penny.
"Octavia stay to together, go to the hall don't knock just go in, find Kay and Dina." Johnny said.
Johnny assumed Bel got up and was in the crowed of people trying to get inside to hide as they took off themselves to go hide.
"Come on there's an abandoned fort.
We should be safe there." Travis said as they ran deeper into the woods getting hopefully off the NW path.
"Its too early.
Why are they coming now?" Cam asked as they ran.
Both Cam and Johnny were getting out of breath fast.
Matty and Travis had to help them.
"When you said abandoned you weren't kidding." Johnny panted.

"Come on its safe

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"Come on its safe." Trivis urged as he forced Johnny to move.
"Man I hope Chace is doing okay, haven't heard from him since he joined the scouts." Cam sighed as they climbed to the top.
"Chace is a tough kid.
Gabe said he's the best almost as good as me and Jake...
Carl!?" Travis ran to Carl who was gagged, blindfold and tied up in the corner of the first building.
"So safe to say this isn't safe." Cam muttered as he backed up staring at the door expecting something or someone to burst through.
"Who knows." Travis said standing next to Cam in full armor, Matty joined as well.
Due to how injured Cam and Johnny were they don't suit up much but Johnny wasn't going to go into this without protection.
Cam was now sitting with Carl who was hurt.
"Johnny just protect them but don't get killed.
Admit defeat, Cam needs you." Travis ordered as he watched the door way.
"My favorite sent." A Night walker hissed as he entered.
"Travis you know you lost already, you can't fight me." He hissed taking off his hood.
Cam and Johnny were surprised he looked like a man.
He had a scar that ran down his cheek bone to his lip but it didn't hinder his strong chizzled look.
"Jones." Travis hissed, he was going to charge at the man but Matty held him back.
"Always the wise one Matty." Jones smirked than locked eyes on Cam and Johnny.
"Your Bash's boys." Jones growled.
"Take it you don't like him either." Johnny smirked.
"I will kill him for his betrayal.
That man is a snake, a sly fox no realm wants him.
Now I will bait him with the two of you." Jones grinned.
"I doubt it will work.
Bash cares nothing a for us." Johnny half chuckled.
"Explain." Jones stepped closer as they all backed up.
"Well he practically killed us by starving us, beating us, forcing us to master his escapes or die trying, used us as hostages in bank heists and this just in left us to rot in a pitch black hole for a year or longer if you add it all the times together when he would throw us in his hole back home.
Is that enough explanation for you?" Johnny half snapped just realizing how upset talking about it made him.
"Well another favorite sent.
Anger and hatred.
You would make an excellent asset.
Wouldn't Bash be suprized seeing one of his boys willing to kill him." Jones grinned as he was now standing in front of Johnny who was trying to figure out how he just went from possible hostage to recruit.
"Hold up no.
I'm not joining you." Johnny quickly realized and backed up.
Johnny just realized he was back to normal clothes, he didn't even know when he let go of his armor.
Johnny looked at Travis and Matty who were still fully armed and shrugged.
"Its the hate in your heart Johnathan.
You want to kill....
No you want to make him suffer just as he made you two suffer.
Cameron feels the same, I can smell vengeance on the two of you." Jones breathed as if sucking in the lovely aroma of a meal.
Both boys now stood shoulder to shoulder.
"No." They both blurted.
"You boys are just giving me everything I need in one day now, lies or well denial.
Face it your hearts say otherwise." Jones grinned and snapped his fingers.
Out of the shadows more NWs emerged surrounding them.
"I too know how to distract a crowed to pull off my deception.
None of you boys saw my warriors surround.
Well Carl maybe but he was a good boy and kept quiet." Jones smirked as Travis and Matty let go of their armor as well.
"Don't worry Johnathan, I take better care of my children.
Blood or adopted.
Take them to the wagon but leave these two for a moment...
I have two little things that belong to you one is of your blood the other is not.
If you can tell me who I have I will alow them to stay with you, guess wrong and I get to torture them." Jones grinned.
Johnny looked at Cam who shrugged.
"Wait Bellamy...
He wasn't with the girls." Cam looked at Jones.
"Well one is safe?
Johnny the last guess is yours." Jones chuckled.
"Simple you said one is blood, has to be Chace." Johnny sighed.
"Very good...
I caught him and his friends spying on me.
Chace is a wise boy, knows not to struggle.
Unlike his friends may they rest in peace." Jones gave a sly smirk.
Johnny's heart sunk thinking about Chace seeing his friends killed.
Johnny remembers his first death he saw and it still pained him just as the day it happened.
"Well that was a great sent.
I only get that one in the moment of killing." A devious grin graced Jones' face as he looked between the boys.
Cam was also thinking of the cop Johnny was forced to kill that was his first death he saw that still freaked him out.
"You boys are overflowing with emotions, my favorite kind of emotions." Jones hissed as he circled around them.
Jones forced himself in between them wrapping is arms around their shoulders both boys became stiff with fear.
Johnny over came that and went to step away but Jones gripped his shoulder.
When Johnny was about to ignore the grip and pull away he heard a whimper escape Cam.
Johnny's eyes went wide when he saw a crood dagger against Cam's throat and it was biting in.
Johnny sighed as a tear escaped.
Johnny hated being helpless and used as a pawn by evil men.
"So much hate in your heart Johnathan." Jones whispered in his ear as he pulled him close in a head lock and ruffled his hair.
"Do you two know why I am willing to allow you to live?
Usually I kill the adult males." Jones smirked.
Cam's heart skipped a beat and of course Jones let him know he senced his fear it was really getting on both their nerves.
"No we don't know.
You wanna tell us why we are so special as is our friends?" Johnny grumbled.
"You are definitely the sarcastic one of the two...
Well John your brother pleaded for my little girls life.
See Mack was not her father he was her uncle and kidnapper he and your father took her after killing her mother.
Mackinley has begged me to spare you boys.
Nik can't wait to see you as well." Jones chuckled as Cam and Johnny literally felt faint.
"Don't worry Nik has no intentions of harming you, he never worked for your father he was a spy for me.
Didn't you find it odd he seemed to know you in your first encounter.
I have been watching and waiting but it just never seemed right since he had you boys so weak.
But than I saw he cared when he feared Nik would kill you boys.
Did you know he carries a picture of the three of you?" Jones chuckled as he led them to the waiting jail wagon.
Jones shoved them in slamming the door.
"You think dad really cares?" Cam sighed as he sat against Johnny.
"Cam seriously!?
Bash nearly killed us.
Jones is just messing with our heads.
If he cared for us at all he hasn't shown it unless we are nearly dead but that was when we were kids.
Than with Nik but when he took us back from Kurt it was the same.
But what was worse was last year Cam.
No I don't ever wander if he cares you shouldn't either because the answers is no Cam he doesn't he only cares for one thing and thats the only reason we are alive." Johnny practically cried as he held onto Cam.
"When you said he broke his boys Seth you weren't kidding.
Jones sighed...

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