Chapter 23 (Johnny)

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Johnny woke with Travis and Matty both squished against him in bed.
Johnny smirked.
"So do we have any boundaries?" Johnny chuckled as his chest screamed in pain.
"Nope." Travis chuckled.
"You should have woke an hour ago, your room was filled with all your friends...
Boys please." The doctor smirked.
"My name is Janet Fraser.
You gave us a scare kid." Janet smirked.
"Okay two coffees a tea and four chocolate puddings.
Remind me again why I had to do the snack run." Carl mumbled.
Because your my baby brother and you have to do as I say." Matty pinched Carl's face and spoke to him like a baby.
"I'm a soldier now, you can't do that anymore." Carl grumbled as he plopped into the chair.
Janet smirked at Carl.
"He dose work a lot Matty." Janet sided with Carl.
Carl's smile grew wide until Jack walked in and slapped him in the back of the head playfully.
"Hey Jack...
Col. O'Neil." Carl stood at attention when Jack gave him a look.
"At ease Grogan...
Janet can I talk to you?" Jack asked.
"Of course...
Boys could you please step out for a moment so the nurse can tend to Johnny." Janet smirked as she ushered everyone out.
"Good morning Mr.Black...
I am going to clean your wound." The young nurse said with a Russian accent.
Johnny couldn't put his finger on it but there was something about her that made his skin crawl.
She had a mask on so all he could see was her eyes.
As she cleaned the wound Johnny watched every move she made.
She suddenly pressed on his wound, she appoligzed but didn't ease up on the pressure.
"How you been Johnathan?
You look healthier than when your father had you." She said as her eyes seemed to smile.
Johnny was about to cry out but she applied more pressure and putting a finger on his lips.
Save your strength Johnathan.
Now just relax and heal.
When I'm ready I'll come get you, till than I'll have some fun with your brothers." MW smirked as she removed her mask.
"Oh I don't hold you accountable for my father's death anymore Johnathan but someone is watching out for you boys and I can't wait to crush them." MW smirked as she left.
"You leave my brothers alone." Johnny practically yelled as he tried to get up and whinced in pain.
MW had to rush back over and hold him up before he collapsed on the floor.
Johnny grabbed her hair.
"I will destroy you if you hurt them." Johnny growled as his chest screamed in pain but he ignored it, all he wanted to do was hurt her for hurting them.
"Better watch your self Johnathan, all I have to do is scream and they will restrain you to the bed." MW smirked as she held a scalpel to his throat.
Johnny's eyes went wide with fear.
"You didn't think I come here without a back up plan.
You will tell no one about me or my plan to get you.
I will know if you do.
I am watching and listening.
Now a little gift for you boys, since Cameron has been a good boy.
There will be a note that will get all you boys exonerated.
But you will return home and wait for me.
Tell no one, don't get yourself ready to fight me either.
Remember Johnathan I have two people you love.
If something happens to me they die.
As for your father let's just say I may have given him an extra spice in his meal that might kill him or put him in a comma, not sure which will happen." MW shrugged as she walked out after getting Johnny back into the bed.
Johnny just stared up at the ceiling as tears flowed.
"Oh sorry...
Johnny I just got a call...
Your free, all you boys are...
But your dad was just admitted.
His food was poisoned but he will be fine apparently he tasted something and started throwing it up." Kay shrugged as she sat next to the bed still trying to wrap her head around what just happened.
"Kay will we find them?" Johnny sighed as a tear fell.
Johnny didn't look at Kay as he talked to her.
Johnny glanced over and saw her tearing.
"You like my brother." Johnny smirked.
Well as a partner...
Wait as a male humanoid yes." Kay blushed.
"Its cool, Cam's a lovable guy but I got the looks." Johnny teased as Kay giggled and shook her head.
"Seriously do you...
Love Cam?" Johnny looked at her.
"I do.
Don't you tell him that." Kay looked at him with a serious look but it softened as she saw how sad and concerned he was for his brothers not even worrying about himself.
"Get some rest.
Travis and Matty went to the hotel to get freshened up.
Mike took them shopping for some new clothes.
The state awarded them a million for wrongful law suit.
You too...
Mike got you a few things he saw that he thought you'd like, he asked for your size.
I checked the clothes the guard brought that was yours and I suggest a bigger size so you have something to wear home when you get out.
I don't think your oginal cloths would fit." Kay chuckled at the small pair of jeans.
Johnny frowned realizing how thin he was at nineteen.
Kay saw the look and apologized.
"I keep forgetting how he kept you two.
Cam always plays it off like its nothing." Kay sighed.
"Thats Cam for you he always he walks wearing rose-colored glasses dipped in honey and plated with gold, he looks for the best in people.
Even in dad, no mater how awful he was.
Cam always figured if he he did as told things would be better." Johnny sighed as he lifted his sleeve revealing the tattoo.
"I did everything right.
Kurt even said so.
I brought that to my...
To Bash's attention.
You know what he said...
'I don't care if you were good.'
The man took in a sick pleasure tormenting us to the brink of death.
But Cam still had it in his head, if he just did as told, even if he knew it would flat out kill him, Bash would love him for it.
I did my best showing Cam he was loved.
Cam did his to show me.
But my love wasn't what Cam wanted.
I was just glad I felt fine with Cam's and I don't know, I guess I too longed for our dad's love.
You know what could have screwed us up, every time we were near dead was when that man actualy truly cared about us.
I mean come on, do you know what that could do to a person?
We could have turned suicidal.
Thinking oh maybe today if this happened he'll love me.
I tend to get concerned about that when it comes to Cam." Johnny sighed as he realized he was just dumping all this on Kay.
"I'm sorry...
I don't know why I just said all that." Johnny sighed as a tear fell.
"Hey its fine...
Your upset, its been bottled up for years.
It was bound to spill out at some point, just glad it was me, gives me more insight on how to handle you two or well three once we get Cam and Chase back." Kay smiled as she took his hand.
"My brother is lucky, his first crush is an Angel." Johnny teased as squeezed her hand and drifted off to sleep.
The pain was getting to him and the morphine started kicking.
Kay blushed as she moved his bangs and kissed Johnny's forehead.
"Just rest Johnny I'll be here." Kay whispered as she sat back in her chare going over the files, seeing if she could still find a connection to find this MW.
"Can we come in?" Travis whispered.
"Yeah come in, sit, the morphine just kicked in.
You two clean up nice." Kay smirked at Travis and Matty.

" Kay smirked at Travis and Matty

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"Thanks." Matty blushed.
"Feels good to get a real cut and shave." Travis smirked as he sat down in the chair on the other side of the bed with Matty.
"So how was he?" Matty asked.
"He was talking about his past, he seemed stressed after the nurse left." Kay sighed as she fixed Johnny's blanket.
Carl snuck up behind his older brother.
Causing in a mini fist fight.
"Seriously Carl!?
Don't do that!
I could have killed you!" Matty had his pocket knife on his brothers throat.
I well...
I wasn't expecting that." Carl said nervously as Matty helped him to his feet.
"So your Carl." Johnny smirked.
Hey sorry if I woke you." Carl half whispered.
"Nah I was just resting my eyes." Johnny smirked.
"Say how old are you?
The way Matty kept talking about you I expected someone my age.
But you look like a kid yet." Johnny smirked as he sat up.
"Hey you shouldn't do that." Kay said as she tried to stop him.
"Good luck with that.
Johnny isn't one to sit still." Gunter smirked from the doorway.
"Yeah about that, when can I get out of here?" Johnny grumbled.
"Tomorrow shockingly...
I want to do a few more test and see how your doing but I think its safe to say tomorrow." Janet smirked as she came in...
"Here you two need to eat." MW sat a tray down on the table.
"I need to talk to you." Cam growled as he walked towards her.
Before he could touch her she grabbed Cam's arm flung him into the hall pinning him to the floor on his stomach with his arm behind his back.
"Seriously Cam don't you know by now hostages don't make demands and they definitely don't try attacking their captor.
Now what's the problem?
You want me to leave the kid alone?
Fine I'll focus all my anger on you." MW hissed in his ear.
"All though, now if you keep fighting me, I might change my mind Cameron.
Or I could find a new way to torture you." MW ran her nails down his back.
"Yeah I think I'll pass, crazy psychos are a turn off." Cam half chuckled as she wrenched his arm harder.
Cam screamed in pain.
"Don't give me a reason to kill you." MW shoved Cam's head into the floor as she got off his back.
"Man your tough for a girl." Cam said as she shoved him back into the room...

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