Chapter 10 (Family History)

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"First you need to know the beginning of all involved..." Mack started.
...................Black, Rose Past................
Scarlet with her husband and her twin sister were visiting friends in Reykjavik when they gave them tickets to a magick show.
Bash was acting greater, he was in awe of the twin sisters.
When he found out Cynthia was still single he was relentless...
"Hello my beautiful girl." Bash smiled as he presented her a bunch of red roses.
"They are beautiful...
I hope you don't mind double dating with my sister and her husband tonight?" Cynthia said as he followed her to the kitchen.
He snaked his arms around Cynthia's waist and kissed her neck.
"Bash..." Cynthia giggled as she filled the vase with water.
"I was hoping for sometime alone but if it would make you happy." Bash cood in her ear before kissing her cheek...
They all sat in a privet room of the restaurant talking and laughing.
"I can't believe our great grandparents were friends...
Did you ever hear about the hidden family fortune?
My grandma would tell us all sorts of stories about it." Cynthia giggled as she told a few with Scarlet adding her memories of the tales...
"I did my grandma told me the same stories.
She said the only ones that will ever see that fortune is when the blood of the Rose and Black family combine.
She said it was their own version of Romeo and Juliet." Bash chuckled.
"Oh yeah I remember that part.
Scarlet and I swore we would find and marry a Black." Cynthia giggled as Bash's pasted on smirk turned into full on smile...
Weeks turned to months and Bash was growing closer and more comfortable with his new friends.
One day Cynthia was trying to learn a trick Bash said was easy, after her tenth fowl up and giggle he went nuts, yelling at her and treating her like a fool infront of her sister and brother inlaw but it was the punch in the eye that started the plunder of their relationship...
Later as days and weeks went on and they assumed Bash was out of their life for good.
Samuel and Scarlet went on a date night.
Cynthia was enjoying a night alone watching a movie when she heard the door open, assuming it was her sister and brother in law returning home she didn't pay any mind.
But when she was grabbed from behind as she was getting more popcorn she was forced to pay attention.
"I will get my children one way or anther.
My key to the fortune will come from you." Bash growled in her ear.
He forced her to the floor....
"He raped her...
But why did Scarlet still say we were her's and that Cynthia was just our aunt?" Johnny sighed
"It gets more complicated.
Cynthia is the one who lived...
See that night you thought your aunt left with your dad it was actually your mom.
Samuel was taking Cynthia into hiding.
While his wife stayed home pretending to be your mom keeping you two safe and calm.
See Cynthia and Scarlet where masters of deception themselves.
It was true Cynthia signed you over to her sister.
Just to throw Bash off track.
But when he saw you boys in the park that day with Cynthia trying to just be a mother, that's when Bash put it all together.
Later I found out Scarlet and Cynthia never told Bash who was who.
Only Samuel knew which girl was his...
For a reason beyond my knowledge. Bash figured it out seven years later.
I tried to get him to back off but we had a falling out and he still pursued her once again.
Resulting in you Chase." Mack sighed.
"So who did Bash kill?" Johnny asked still confused.
"Your aunt Scarlet, Samuel's wife.
Chase is still your full blood brother.
Cynthia went down hill when you boys were kidnapped and her sister being killed all because of her, she left Samuel's care and got herself into a lot of stuff.
That's when Bash found her and did it again.
Samuel at some point tried reaching out to her.
But she refused to get him involved.
She stayed in that place not because she was hiding and waiting.
She stayed there for her drugs.
Chase, she fed you those stories, do you ever remember meeting your dad before that day in the court house?" Mack paused and waited.
"No." Chase sighed
"Shockingly it did take Bash some time to find you two again.
Look I know its complicated and confusing but thats how they all were.
But all you need to know.
Cynthia is the one still alive and gave birth to twins she lost fifteen years ago along with her sister.
Than she gave birth to another boy also Bash's son.
Bash knows this and plans to use all three of you to get that fortune." Mack continued to explain.
The boys all still looked confused.
"So Mom told him she was Scarlet and Scarlet told him she was Cynthia?" Johnny asked.
"Yes like I said I don't know why." Mack said.
"How are we the key?" Johnny asked.
"That's what we are all trying to figure out.
I mean the way I figure it the tasks at hand to get the fortune must result in DNA." Mack shrugged as he left the boys.
"Oh dinner in a half hour." Mack smirked as he closed the van door locking from the outside.
"So we are babies from a rape victim...
If Bash knew we were his why did he abuse us?" Cam sighed.
"Cam he raped her to make us, clearly there's no love there." Johnny half yelled.
"Yeah well but still." Cam mumbled.
Johnny looked at Cam who apparently has his cards and was fiddling with them.
"Where were those?" Johnny asked.
"My pocket.
I guess they don't see any threat in them." Cam shrugged as he still messed with his cards.
"Yeah that's what they thought." Johnny smirked as he picked up the empty fany box.
Johnny shook it and out came a lock pick pocket knife.
"Wait what?" Cam said as he lost his cards.
"Yeah your gift was kinda my gift too.
I had them make a secret compartment.
Didn't you feel the weight?" Johnny mumbled as he worked on the cage doors that separated them from the driver seat.
"The nerve of Mack assuming only you can pick any lock.
You only pick a few different ones, now I can pick many locks and this is the easiest." Johnny smirked as he dropped the lock.
"Okay genius, now what?
We're inside a moving train.
All you did was take a risk of us getting in trouble."
Cam growled as he leaned against the doorway and watched Johnny dig through the glove compartment.
"Well Adam West I think this is your passport.
I'm Jonas West...
Wait no this is definitely you Jonas." Johnny chuckled as he grabbed two pistols.
"Oh no I don't want that." Cam pushed the gun away.
He gives you a weapon to cap those guys and you refuse?" Chase shook his head.
"Kinda with the kid on that." Johnny smirked.
"I am not touching a gun.
No thank you...
Yeah your definitely Adam.
So what's with the different identity.
How did he get these?
These pictures are new your in your leather jacket." Cam mumbled as he analizes it.
"Who knows but good thing I keep our real ones Chase's too.
Or should I say Samuel.
Kinda ironic." Johnny smirked as Mack opened the door, the second he saw the door to the driverseat open he went for his gun but Johnny already had the gun he had at Mack's head.
"Your letting us out of here." Johnny demanded.
"You go out there with the gun you'll be thrown in jail so fast your head will spin and I will continue on with your brothers.
How long do you think they will last without you John?" Mack smirked as he told his men to stay back.
"Well I do have a gun permit, as dose Cam and these guns are registered to us.
That permit allows us to carry anywhere, due to the level of protection we need." Johnny smirked as he saw Mack start breathing more rapid.
"Thats a bluff." Mack mumbled.
"No Ms.Stephen made sure we take it everywhere just like a cop can." Johnny chuckled.
"Back away let them through." Mack grumbled.
Cam and Chase both grabbed their bags.
Before being spotted by other passengers Johnny put the gun away.
"What know?" Cam asked as they watch the train pull up to a stop.
"We get off." Johnny mumbled as he kept his brothers by the door.
The second it opened they got off and blended into the crowd.
"Where are we?" Cam asked as he kept a tight hold on Chase.
"Not sure but we are defiantly not in America.
How long did he keep us out?" Johnny grumbled as he looked at a sign that had all kinds of languages on it.
"Germany!?" Johnny yelled when he found "welcome to" in English.
"Yeah did I forget to tell you we were on a plane?" Chase said sheepishly.
"Yeah you kinda forget that part...
No wander he said that about going to jail.
We need to get rid of our guns and fast." Johnny said.
"Well can't you just toss the bullets and take them apart and say your uncle just gave it to you or something.
"Good idea but let's wait till we're safe." Johnny said as he ushered his brothers out of the station
Johnny snatched a translation book on his way out.
The cab driver said something but neither of the boys knew.
Johnny looked through the translation book.
Johnny stammered something in German and the driver sped off.
"Johnny we don't have money." Cam whispered.
"Yes we do...
I grabbed their bag too by mistake." Chase giggled as he opened the bag stuffed with cash.
"Yeah but thats american money." Johnny grumbled.
As he took a few twenties and closed the bag...
The man said the amount as the stepped out at the hotel.
"No no..
Money no good." The man said as he held onto Johnny's wrist.
"Look its all we got." Johnny said back as tears welled up.
Johnny was afraid he didn't want to go to jail over a few bucks
You keep.
Today free for you boys.
But go to bank, get the rest of your money transfered so you don't get introuble.
You boys need to whisper quieter." The man smirked as he pointed to the bank across the street.
"Thank you." Johnny smirked in surprise still giving the man the handful of twenties.
Luckily the hotel was willing to take their card.
"So how much?" Johnny asked as he got out of the shower.
"I think its over a mil." Cam half whispered as he recounted.
Chase was asleep on the next bed.
"Your kidding." Johnny asked eyes wide with fear.
I counted it like three times.
Johnny what were they doing with this much cash?" Cam's hands shook as he put it back in the bag.
"I don't know.
But we are loosing that bag we have enough of our own money.
Tomorrow I'm going to the bank, its the same bank we use at home." Johnny said as he grabbed the bag and threw it in the safe.
"Get a shower and get some sleep we're moving on in the morning.
Cam your going to take Chase to the park over there and wait for me okay." Johnny said as he laid down.
Cam nodded as he walked into the bathroom...
"Johnny are you afraid they'll find us?" Cam asked as he laid next to Johnny after his shower.
"I know they will.
I used my card and real passport." Johnny sighed as he start falling asleep...

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