Chapter 17 (Twins)

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It was all over the news how Sebastian Black hid the twins from the world, using them as hostages in heists and as props for his shows.
But if that wasn't the worse one was going to jail for aiding and enbeding in the heists, they didn't believe he was just an innocent victim, not after he took off running from the scene.
"Mr.Black you will spend three years in Attica correctional for the charges of false pretences in an armed robbery at the bank.
Fleeing from an active crime scene.
And assault on the officers trying to arrest you.
Consider this fair Mr.Black.
I have every right and power to assign the maximum but due to your age and what I heard.
I am willing to give you the benifit of doubt.
If you keep your head down and don't cause problems I will consider reviewing your files at a later date and lighten your sentence.
Please esscort Johnathan Black out of my court room.
Now the sentenceing for Cameron Davis Black.
Now due to you were no where near the scene but locked in a hole of your home you are not charged but free to go home and live your life.
I advise you to keep yourself far from trouble Mr.Black.
Your free to go.
Now Sebastian Black.
I warned you that if I saw you in my courts I will give you the worse, you will spend life in Attica Correctional if I even get wind you are still abusing your son there I will have you stay in isolation for the remainder of your sentence."....
Cam sat alone in the Archive hugging himself as he sat on Johnny's bed and cried.
"Cameron." Dina called out.
Cam ran out and hugged her.
They can't keep Johnny in there for that can they he was the victim?" Cam sighed.
"They said he beat up those cops, shot one in the arm during a scuffle.
Only because that cop said it was an accident and his on fault he got that charge dropped." Gunter grumbled as he brought in their bags.
"Johnny said non of that happened, he was knocked out, some one sprayed something in his face, a girl who was trying to help him or so he thought she was helping.
When he came too all but that shot cop was out from the beatings." Cam sighed.
"Awe Cam darling...
I don't know what happened.
This will all go over fast, you'll see three years isn't long." Dina sighed.
She didn't believe a girl could have done any of that.
But yet she knew neither of the boys could either, they were weakened again by Bash...
Cam woke up screaming for Johnny but no one was there to comfort him.
Dina was on the other side of the Archive in her room as was Jordan and Gunter in their's.
Cam laid back down and cried himself to sleep...
"Well look at the pretty boy." A man in his cell said making kissing faces at Johnny as he was led to his cell.
"Grogan you have a cell mate." The guard said as he shoved Johnny in closing the cell door and left.
Grogan sat up in his top bunk and eyed his new friend.
Grogan jumped off and stood in front of Johnny a bit to close.
"I don't like roommates.
See that blood stain kid?
That was from my last one.
Wouldn't shut up so I shut him up." Grogan growled as he grabbed Johnny by the hair.
"You keep your mouth shut I won't hurt you.
But if you annoy me I will kill you." Grogan slammed Johnny's head against the bars and went back to his top bunk.
Johnny curled up on the bottom hidding under the wool blanket and sobbed to himself.
Grogan rolled his eyes and leaned over to look at the kid.
Grogan frowned when he saw how tight Johnny was curled.
Grogan laid back on his bed looking at the ceiling and sighed.
"Look sorry...
That blood stain was there when I got here." Grogan jumped down and sat on the edge of Johnny's bed.
He gently touched Johnny's back.
Johnny froze with fear.
He heard what happens, Bash told him what guys do in prison.
"Hey kid look I'm not that kind of guy who goes around beating up and all that stuff.
I knew about you, they told me about my cell mate, not every detail but beating up cops and bank heists.
So I wanted to show you who the boss of the cell was.
They didn't tell me it was a nineteen year old kid, who looks like he hasn't eaten in months.
Look the names Mathew Grogan my friends call me Matty.
I too was framed, wrong place at the wrong time." Matty smirked at Johnny who rolled over to look at him.
"You remind me of my kid brother Carl.
He's your age and afraid of his own shadow but thinks he's a though guy, can you believe he joined the army.
I fear him." Matty smirked as he scooted back to sit against the wall with Johnny.
"My brother Cam is the same way.
We look exactly a like." Johnny said as he sat shoulder to shoulder with Matty.
"Wow can't wait to meet him.
I only saw identical twins on that Full House series." Matty chuckled as he teased.
Johnny felt safe and glad to have a normal cellmate.
"Okay a few ground rules.
Stay with me, trust me, here you don't ever want to be alone.
The showers we do that as a group literally.
We have a few older guys in our group that will literally stand like walls so we can safely shower.
There are some sick guys here.
Never look at anyone or laugh at them for any reason.
Be invisible
I think thats pretty much it." Matty shrugged as he looked over at Johnny who listened but was shivering in fear.
Matty put his arm around him and pulled him close.
"I promise no one will hurt you, they'll have to go through me first and that's gonna be pretty hard." Matty chuckled as he pulled out his gold dog tag.
"Wait I have one of those.
They were mad they couldn't get me to take it off.
Didn't hurt when they tried." Johnny chuckled.
"Yeah all my friends have these.
When I slammed your head...
Sorry about that...
I saw yours.
Man I felt so bad." Matty sighed.
"You should that hurt." Johnny hissed as he rubbed the spot.
"I can fix that." Matty smirked as he grabbed for something Johnny couldn't see, as a small jar apeared with that goo Kurt used on them when they were kids.
"Haven't taped into your spiritual armor yet I see.
I always keep a few things important there." Matty smirked as he put the stuff on Johnny's small wound.
"Explain that." Johnny asked as he turned to face Matty.
"Well its kinda hard but I'll try.
See our armor is always with us but hidden..." Johnny cut Matty off when he remembered Twist saying they hide.
"Is there away for us to see these hidden things, like those root creatures that hide." Johnny inquired.
"So you met them...
Yeah with spiritual sight but we don't use it here on the devils playground, trust me it looks like hell and every horror movie combined.
Couldn't sleep for months after making that mistake." Matty chuckled nervously.
I was just wandering if Twist or Mutt.
Or my baby brother was following us around.
I thought maybe they stick with me considering, to I don't know protect me." Johnny sighed.
"Well I doubt they bring the kid here but I assume wait...
You know I bet the crazy Mutt would follow you." Matty smirked.
Matty bowed his head and said a soft prayer when he looked up his green eyes were brighter they almost seemed to glow.
"Wow your loved kid.
I never saw someone's heavenly link so bright.
Yeah your Mutt is on your lap." Matty chuckled as his eyes dimed to normal.
"Yeah they have direct access to the spiritual real where they hide from those blind to it." Matty smirked.
"That was weird your eyes seemed to glow." Johnny smirked as he tried to see if he could feel Mutt.
"In the spiritual they are no longer physical.
But if your there too than its physical." Matty explained as Johnny yawned.
"Umm could I ask you to stay here with me just till I fall asleep." Johnny asked sheepishly.
Matty smirked.
"Of course.
I use to sleep with my brother.
We were orphans we were all we had.
So I know how its like.
Bet if you were home you and Cam would be sleeping together." Matty chuckled.
"You made that sound so wrong." Johnny shook his head as he laid down on his pillow.
Matty now sat against the frame of the bed still against the wall as he watched Johnny drift off.
Matty gently touched Johnny's head and prayed a prayer of protection for his dreams and when he is awake.
Matty didn't dare move, he didn't want to wake what looked like the best sleep Johnny would ever get.
At some point Matty and Johnny slept with their heads pressed against each other.
Johnny liked being the protected one he felt safe....
"Cam darling!?" Dina came in when she heard him sobbing.
"Dina I can't sleep.
I don't know how to sleep without Johnny.
He was always there to assure me I was safe and could sleep without fear of someone hurting me as I slept." Cam sobbed in her shoulder.
"Oh Cam...
Your safe.
No one can hurt you anymore.
Gunter wouldn't let that happen." Dina chuckled.
"Yeah but you only came in here now when you were leaving the bathroom.
I screamed over an hour ago.
I could have been killed in that time frame and you wouldn't even know it." Cam cried.
"Oh Cam...
Tell you what I'll have the boys move closer to Johnny's room and I'll sleep with you okay.
Just relax I'll be right back." Dina kissed him on the head and walked out leaving the door open and went to Jordan's room first.
"Don't you ever sleep?
Your going to fry your brain with all those games.
Go move into Cam's room.
He needs us close." Dina said as Jordan sighed.
"No just a tablet and cell phone if you must.
But just leave everything else here as your tech room." Dina chuckled as he went to Gunter.
"Good your still up.
Good book?" Dina walked over and sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh.
"Not that good what is it love?" Gunter closed the book.
"Cam needs us close.
I was thinking you take Sebastian's room." Dina gave weak smile
"Okay." Gunter smirked as he kissed her on the forehead.
As the two came out they saw Jordan carrying more than she told him.
"Jordan..." Dina stood there arms folded tapping her foot.
Dina and Gunter were like his parents.
"Put that back.
A tablet and cell phone only." Gunter ordered.
"I'm sixteen now, I'm not a baby." Jordan mumbled as he sulked back to his room.
And put everything back.
"Well your actions say otherwise." Gunter scolded.
Jordan was going to protest more but Dina gave him a look and he stayed quiet.
With everyone settled Dina got back to Cam who was snuggling both his and Johnny's old baby blankets.
She asummed he was sound asleep till he scooted closer to snuggle against her as she combed her fingers through his hair.
Cam visably relaxed in her embrace.
Dina quietly cried at how broken he was.
Here this nineteen year old kid should be strong.
Only concerned about collage or dating not think he could get attacked by a tyrant or fear for his brothers life in jail.
Eventually Dina's mind quieted as she fell asleep hugging Cam...

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