Chapter 1: New home

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Tina was in the car on the road with her parents, only she was asleep.

"Tina....Tina.... Wake up~!" Her mother said while shaking her gently.

Tina's eyes fluttered open to see the car had stopped and they were parked in front of a house.

After yawning, Tina got her bag before getting out. Her father helped get out the rest of her luggage from the bumper of the car.

"That's everything." Her father said and her mother came out of the car.

"You'll be starting a new school tomorrow in the sixth grade. We already checked you in and don't try to skip like last time." Her mother said, making Tina smirk.

"You and Timmy will be babysat by the same babysitter." Her father said and Tina rolled her eyes.

"Be good for your uncle and aunt, okay sweetie?"

"No promises." Tina said with a smirk.

Clara kissed her forehead while Dale pat her head, making her look at them with a bored expression.

They got in and drove off, leaving a cloud of dust behind.

Tina looked at the house behind her to see it wasn't bad, but it wasn't the most beautiful house in the block.

She walked up to the welcome mat where in front of her was the white door that made her want to get out a can of spray paint and make it black or purple or both.

She noticed the doorbell and pressed it twice.

Meanwhile inside the house~
Mrs. Turner was in the kitchen cleaning when she heard the bell ring, twice.

"Timmy, could you get the door please?" She called out to her ten year old son who yelled, "Sure, mum!"

Timmy opened the door to see a girl at least a year older than him with red hair and green eyes.

She wore a black shirt with the words 'My soul is dark like my future' and purple shorts with a skull and crossbones. Beside her were her luggage.

"Hi, can I help you?" Timmy asked and the girl looked at him before saying, "I'm supposed to be staying here until my dumb parents are done with their dumb job. So are you going to let me in, or what Timothy?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Because I'm your cousin, ya twit!" Tina snapped, tired of the stupid questions.

Timmy looks at her skeptically before letting her in.

"Where are your parents?" Tina asks and Timmy says, "Mum's in the kitchen. Dad's at work."

Tina nods her head before she runs into a lady with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Hello aunt Susan." Tina greets and Mrs. Turner smiles before saying, "Hi sweetie."

Timmy's POV:
"Timmy, I see you've met your cousin Christina." Mum said with a smile.

I noticed Tina's eye twitch in annoyance on hearing her full name.

"It's just Tina." She stated before holding out her hand to shake.

I took her hand in mine, only to shiver at how cold it was.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Tina." I say with a fake smile.

"Tina's going to stay here while her parents are away." Mum says while placing her hand on her head.

"Where will I sleep?" Tina asks and mum says, "For now, with Timmy."

"What?!" I say and mum glares at me.

"Timmy, she's our guest!" Mum says, making me groan.

"And I believe she said, for now Timothy." Tina says with her eyes narrowed.

"Timmy, be a dear and help Tina with her bags." Mum says and I groan before reaching out to grab one of her bags.

Tina's POV:
I quickly slap his hand on noticing he was going to take my bag with my supplies.

"Why'd you slap my hand for?" Timmy asks while holding his slightly red hand.

"Because I know you'll drop it the moment you lift it. Carry those ones, they're easier." I say and point to the bags containing my clothes and shoes.

I smirk on seeing him struggle to lift them because I lied.

I walked ahead, up the stairs and turned right before walking into a room with a bed and and a single drawer which had a glass bowl with two goldfish.

I go closer and look at the goldfish to see one has pink eyes and another has green eyes. The strange thing was that they had golden crowns on their heads.

I soon hear wheezing before something being dropped.

"Took you long enough." I say turning away from the fish to look at my almost passed out cousin.

"W-What's *wheeze* in *wheeze* t-there?" He asks and I roll my eyes before saying, "Quit your whining, we're here aren't we?"

"You could at least say 'thank you'!" He says while glaring at me.

"I could... But I won't!" I say with a smirk.

"Timmy~! Tina~! Lunch!" Aunt Susan yells from downstairs.

I went ahead before saying, "Don't even think about touching my bag, unless you wanna lose a finger."
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry if it short. I wonder what's in her bag as well. Anyway, I apologize for taking so long and toodles~!

Total words: 866 

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