Chapter 22: A night out, conversations, nightmares and cuddles!

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In an old apartment in FairyWorld, a purple haired fairy sighed as she went through the letters.

There was soon a knock on the door and she looked through the keyhole before letting the person in.

"Hey girl! How've you been?" The fairy with orange hair and black eyes asked with a smile.

"Hey Ashley. Just been busy as usual..." The purple haired fairy said and Ashley frowned before saying, "You need a break from that busy schedule."

"I wish I could, but I need to buy groceries, pay bills, go to work..." The purple haired fairy said and Ashley said, "Lexi Lavender Flower! You've been doing that for at least two months. You are going with me to have a break even if I have to tie you up with a butterfly net and drag you myself!"

Even though they knew each other since they were kids, Ashley never ceased to make Lexi surprised.



"... I'll go get ready." Lexi said, making Ashley smile and clap her hands in glee.

After going through her wardrobe, she decided on a purple dress with a black belt.

Her hair was styled in a bun and little make-up applied.

"You look more amazing, now let's go and have fun~!" Ashley said and raised her wand, poofing them to a club.

Meanwhile at Tina's room~
Freya was trying to convince Freddy to go with her to a club.

"Freya, I'm busy. Unlike you, I have a job that ensures keeping Tina calm especially with her parents planning to visit." Freddy said and Freya rolled her eyes before saying, "It's just once. Besides, the last time you went with me to a club is when-"

"Don't. Don't you dare say her name. And that's exactly why I've avoided clubs. I don't need a repeat of last time." Freddy said, crossing his arms with a frown.

"Twenty minutes. You don't have to drink if you don't want to." Freya said and Freddy narrowed his eyes before saying, "Fifteen minutes. When I'm done, just know you're going to take the Fairy cab."

"Okay, deal. By the way, can you make sure I don't go with any guys or girls while I'm drunk?" Freya asked and Freddy raised his eyebrow before saying, "I'm not going to be responsible for your kidnap if you make it difficult."

Freya smiled, knowing despite his strong loathe or dislike towards her, he actually cares.

They both raised their wands, poofing to a club called, 'Club Wand'.

"No leading anyone on, no drinking more than five bottles of beer, no flirting with older men and guys and if you're leaving tell me, got it?" Freddy asked and Freya nodded before they poofed inside after showing their IDs.

Freddy danced a bit, before heading to grab a drink.

He sat on the stool where the bartender asked, "What would you like?"

"The cocktail." Freddy said and the bartender mixed different alcohols before handing to him and saying, "Enjoy."

Lexi's POV:
It wasn't long before I was tired and went to sit next to a brown haired fairy.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask and they look at me before shaking their head.

"Pardon me, but you look familiar. Have met before?" I ask after sitting down.

"I'm pretty sure I would've remembered a face as beautiful as- actually yes, we have met before. I helped you after my friend literally tipped you." He says, looking at me and I notice their blood red eyes and brown messy hair.

"Oh yeah, the handsome stranger I gave my number." I accidentally mumble and blush in embarrassment when he asks, "That's your nickname for me?"

"Maybe..." I say and he smiles before the bartender comes over and asks me, "What would you like to have?"

"I'll have a cocktail." I say and the bartender hands me before saying, "Enjoy."

"I never got your name." We say and laugh before I say, "Lexi."

"Anti-Frederick, but you can call me Fred." The handsome str-Fred said with a smile.

We talked of different things, before a fairy stumbled onto him.

"Freddy-*hiccup*bear. Freddy-bear, I *hiccup* missed you. I missed you*hiccup* so much, Freddy-bear." She says and Fred sighs before saying, "This is drunk mess is my annoying twin, Freya."

"*Hiccup* You're so preety! I'm so proud of you *hiccup* Freddy! You got yourself a girlfriend!" Freya says and I blush in embarrassment.

"Well, I have to take this mess home. Call me whenever you have the time." Fred says, handing me a paper with his number.

"Okay. S-see you later, perhaps?" I ask and he smiles before saying, "Sure."

He poofs away with his sister's arm around him.

"Yo! Lav! Are you *hiccup* ready to go?" Ashley asks and I smile before saying, "Sure."

Freddy's POV:
"When you two get *hiccup* married, I want to be a bridesmaid!" Freya says and I groan before saying, "For the last time, Freya! I am not marrying her! Heck, I hardly know her!"

"I want a rainbow unicorn as a pet!" She says and I say, "You can poof one if you'd like."

"But how?" She asks and I say with my eyebrow raised, "With your wand, of course."

"I want pancakes!" She yells and I sigh before saying, "It's ten o'clock. I'll make you pancakes tomorrow morning."

"Good night Freya." I say, placing her on the bed and she instantly falls asleep.

I poof to Tina's bedroom to see her holding her knees to her chest, staring at the wall.

"Tina?" I call out, but she doesn't respond.

I reach out and hold her shoulder, noticing her flinch and swipe at my hand.

"F-Freddy?" She asks in a hoarse voice, making me poof up a glass of water and hand it to her.

She takes the glass and drinks it, before handing it back to me.

"Why are you still up, sweetheart?" I ask and she mumbles something quietly like, 'Shush'.

"Nightmare. I was something... something...dark with claws and eyes. I-I killed uncle Darren and aunt Susan then Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, Freya then lastly you." Tina said and I noticed her trying to blink away her tears, only for them to fall faster.

I wrap my arms around her, only for her to break down more before hugging me back.

"They're not dead neither am I. You haven't killed us." I say and she clutches onto my shirt, letting her breaking down.

I don't know how long we were like that before hearing her soft breathing.

I placed her on the bed and turned to leave before hearing, "Don't go..."

"I wouldn't dream of it." I say and sleep to her.

No one's POV:
Tina scooted closer to Freddy who in response wrapped his arms around her and gently pecked her forehead.
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry if I took so long!

Total words: 1159

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