Chapter 5: Hello My Adorable Godchild!

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"What the heck?" Tina asked while looking at the black box on her bed tied with a purple ribbon.

She saw a note that was written, open me!

"Strange... It could be a prank from Timmy or uncle Darren for the blue tongue incident." Tina said before giggling at last week's event.

She shrugged before opening the box, only for a bright light to come out and she backed away with her eyes closed.

She opened them to see a figure dusting them self off.

"This is the last time I let Anti-Cosmo choose my entrance." The figure mumbled, before turning to the young girl.

"Hello, my adorable godchild!" The figure said with a smile and picked her up before spinning her around.

"My name is Anti-Frederick Hathaway, but you can call me Anti-Fred!" Fred said with a smile.

Tina, regaining from dizziness, observed Fred to see his skin was normal, but his hair was brown and a bit messy and his eyes were red as berries.

He wore a blue button up shirt and black trousers as well as a purple necktie. On his head was a floating black crown and he had dragon like wings.

"Who or rather what are you?" Tina asks and Fred smiles before saying, "Your way better fairy godparent."

Tina's POV:
I stared at Fred before laughing.

"If your my fairy godparent, then I care about my parents." I say with my arms crossed.

"Then I must have the wrong godchild if you do." Fred says and I roll my eyes before saying, "Then I wish for a mace."

He pulls out a wand (picture above) and raises it, making it glow before the mace appears next to my feet.

"Woah... You really are my fairy godparent." I say and he raises his wand again making it glow before I feel something on my head.

I go to my dressing table mirror to see there is a band with a black bow on the side.

"You look even more adorable!" He says with a smile.

"Is there some things I should know, though?" I ask and he nods his head.

"You can't tell anyone about me or else I'll go away forever, my magic can't work on charms and I can't tell you if anyone else besides you has a fairy godparent unless you figure it out on your own." Fred says and I nod my head in understanding.

"Can you shape shift in case someone were to randomly barge in here?" I ask and he nods his head, transforming into a dog, then cat and lastly a bird as demonstration.

"So, what do you want me to shape shift into?" He asked turning into his usual form.

"Hmm... I've always wanted a pet bat." I say and he ruffles my hair.

"You're okay, kid." He says with a smile and turns into a blue bat with brown messy hair.

"Neat!" I say with a small smile before hearing a knock on the door.

Fred hangs upside down in the corner of my room before I open the door.

"What do you want, Timothy?" I ask with my arms crossed and a bored expression on my face.

"Mum wants you to come down for dinner." He says and I nod my head.

"Alright." I say and come out to go downstairs after closing the door behind me.

Author's POV:
Fred, was looking around her room which was color purple. On the walls was the occasional poster of a different villain from a show or movie.

He soon floated over to the dressing table mirror that was black, but on the left side of the mirror was a picture of her with Larry.

Larry had his arm around her neck and she had one arm behind his head and put what seemed to be bunny ears with a smirk while he had a smile.

Fred soon noticed something under the bed.

He went closer to see it was black and purple box. He opened it to see it was full of hand made dolls. He took them out to see there were photos like from the newspaper.

"Ashley Kingsley found dead in a ditch."

"Charlotte Askala missing. If found, call the authorities."

Fred noticed the dolls looked like the girls that we're reported missing, dead or disappeared.

He soon used his magic to put everything as it was and turned into a bat before hanging upside down in the dark corner of the room.

In walked Tina, who was now in her pajamas.

"Fred?" She called out and Fred came down flapping his bat wings.

"I wish you had a place to sleep. Like a mini bat cave." Tina said and Fred raised his wand, making it glow before a cage with a mini cave appeared.

"There you go. Now instead of my room, you have a home of your own." Tina says and Fred smiles before saying, "Thanks, kiddo."

Tina yawns before dragging herself to bed and lies on it before saying, "Goodnight Freddy..."

Fred smiles and carefully picks her before tucking her in bed.

"Goodnight kiddo." He says and kisses her forehead before going to sleep in his bat form.
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry if it was short or I took so long! Anyway goodnight, sleep tight and toodles~!

Total words: 898

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