Chapter 4: I thought we could be Best Friends

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Right now there were two students in an office.

Tina and Larry.

Tina as usual had bruised knuckles, but Larry had a black eye and a bruise on his cheek.

You're probably thinking; what the heck happened?!

Flashback to earlier~
Tina had skipped school and expected to get caught, but Larry had covered for her.

"Thanks, Houston." Tina said with a smirk and Larry looked down while saying, "N-No problem, T-Tina."

The bell rang, signifying lunch and Tina took hers and went to her usual table, but was surprised to find Timmy and his friends there.

"Why are you sitting at my table?" She asked with her eyes narrowed.

"We thought you might want some company." A.J said with a smile.

She rolled her eyes before sitting next to Chester, who silently squealed in joy.

"Fine, but don't make this a usual thing or else instead of Francis beating you up, it'll be me." Tina said with a glare and they nodded their heads in understanding.

After lunch, Tina went to her locker and took a fake can of nuts as well as her book for the next class. She closed her locker to see one of the football players leaning against a locker next to hers.

"Jason." Tina said and the said boy smiled at her.

"Hey beautiful. What'cha up to?" He asked with a smile and Tina rolled her eyes.

"Getting books for class. Nuts?" Tina offered and Jason shook his head, "Thanks, but I'm allergic."

She walked to class and placed the can on the teacher's desk before taking a seat next to Larry.

Mr. Crocker came to class and was about to start the lesson before noticing the can.

"Ooh! A can of nuts!" He said and opened it, only for a chipmunk to jump out.

"Aah!" He yelled as the chipmunk attacked him while the rest of the class laughed.

"Who did this?!" He asked in anger after getting the chipmunk off him.

"I-I did s-sir." Larry said, making Tina surprised.

"Mr. Houston?! I expected more from you! Detention!" Mr. Crocker yelled and Larry looked down in embarrassment.

"Now if you excuse me, I have to go the nurse's office since I'm guessing that chipmunk had rabies." Mr. Crocker said and left the class.

The chipmunk came and landed on Tina's desk, only for her to take out a can of peanut butter and give it.

"Thanks again, dude!" Tina said and playfully punched Larry on the shoulder.

"N-No problem." Larry said and smiled a bit at her.

Unaware of brown orbs glaring at Larry.

Larry went to his locker and opened it, only for it to be slammed shut.

"Hello, Larry."

"W-What do y-you want, J-Jason?" Larry stuttered out while looking at the slightly taller jock.

"You to quit talking to Tina. She's his girl." Ben, said appearing next to Jason.

"S-She's not t-though." Larry stated and Jason was red with anger.

He shoved Larry to the ground and said, "I've tried asking nicely, but now you've made me mad."

Larry kicked Ben where the sun does not shine, earning a punch from Jason.

Jason kept punching, until he got a tap on his shoulder.

He turned from Larry, only to be met with a punch.

Larry looked to see someone beating Jason up. It was...

"T-Tina?" Larry asked and Tina glanced at him before turning to the now passed out boy.

She looked at Ben who was now recovering and shoved Jason next to him.

"If I ever see you or any of your friends near him or me, you'll be in the E.R." Tina said darkly with a glare.

"Go, before you lose your legs!"

Ben quickly put Jason's arm around his shoulder and quickly limped away.

Tina looked at Larry and went close before putting his arm around her shoulders, quickly going to the nurse's office.
End of flashback~
Tina had a cotton ball with antiseptic and she was dabbing it on Larry's bruise.

She put some bandages on them then looked closely at his black eye.

Larry, was busy flushing at the closeness.

"You need to put ice on that." She said and pulled away to look for it.

In case you're wondering where the nurse is, she left early and Tina technically broke into her office.

"Here you go." Tina said and placed it on his eye.

"T-Thanks." Larry said and Tina looked away saying, "No problem."

She rubbed her knuckles, silently frowning before grabbing another cotton ball and dipped it in antiseptic.

Before she could rub it on her knuckles, she felt a warm hand stop her.

"A-Allow me."

She looked at him skeptically before giving him the cotton ball and her left hand first.

After rubbing both her knuckles with antiseptic, Larry bandaged them carefully before looking away and saying, "T-There you g-go."

Tina looked at her knuckles and smiled a bit before smirking mischievously.

Larry looked to see Tina in front of him leaning in.

He blushed, but leaned in as well with his eyes closed, only to feel a peck at his cheek.

"Thank you, Larry." Tina said with a smirk, making him blush in embarrassment.

"N-No problem." He said and thought before asking, "W-Wanna be f-friends?"

He soon felt her hand in his.

"I thought we could be best friends." Tina said with a small smile, making him smile as well.
Hey guys! What'd you think? Pretty cute, right~? Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry if I took so long or if it was short! Anyway, toodles~!

Total words: 946


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