Chapter 7 - Arrested

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"What in the hell is going on?" I ask as I walk up to the crowded group of Fairy Tail Wizards.

"It's Natsu and Erza, they're about to fight." Wakaba said.

"I got money on Erza." A guild member shouted.

"Me too."

"I got my money on the kid." Another guild member shouted. "Get her Natsu!"

"Are you ready Erza? Cause I'm not holding back!"

"I would be angry if you did." Erza re-quipped into red armor.

"She really isn't taking it easy on him either." Macao said.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"That's her Flame empress armor."

"In that, Natsu doesn't stand a chance." Wakaba laughs.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu tries punches Erza, but she dodges and kicks him in his stomach.

"Come on Natsu, that can't be all you can do."

"Ha." Natsu laughed. "I'm just getting started." Natsu places his hands over his mouth. "Fire Dragon's Roa..."

Some frog lady stood in between Erza and Natsu. "I'm with the Magic Council."

"What's the Magic Council?" I ask Macao

"Their the governing body over all wizard guilds."

"Erza Scarlet, you are being charged with the destruction of Clover Town." Two guys that were in Armor placed handcuffs on Erza. The frog lady looks my way. "(Y/n) (L/n), you are being Charged with Aiding and Abetting a criminal."

"Wait what?" A pair of handcuffs are placed on my wrists.

"Come with us." The Frog lady walks away and the guards, push Erza and I along.

After a lengthy travel we reach a big building. And we walk inside. I notice a man with blue hair, wearing a white jacket, with a red tattoo on his face leaning against a wall, and Erza notices him too. Erza has a shocked look on her face. The man walks over to Erza, and whispers something to her. Not long after Erza and I are placed in a cell.

"You don't seem to worried about this (y/n)."

I laugh a little. "I'd be lying if I said this was my first time on a prison cell."

"I see." Erza has a questioning look on her face.

"But why do you look so calm?"

"Because most likely we are really being charged with anything. The Magic Council just needs a scapegoat, or two, and so here we are. The most we'll get is a slap on the wrist."

"Oh... so If you don't mind me asking, who was that guy, you were talking to?" 

"It's a long story."

"Clearly we have time."

"His Name is Siegrian, He's a member of the Magic Council, as well as one of the Ten Wizard Saints..."

Ten Wizard Saints... that was the group God Serena was a part of before he joined the Spriggan Twelve.

Erza continued to talk about Siegrain, but I stopped listening, and started to think about how I should deal with August, Irene, Dimaria, because I know they haven't left the country yet.

Erza and I both awoke when the guards opened our cell, and took us to the court room. Of course they'd all be holograms. Why would they actually show up here. I stopped paying attention again, the the Council members began to talk. However a sudden noise caught my attention. It was Natsu, dressed up as Erza. After a minute of confusion Erza, Natsu, and I were all let go, and we made our way back to the guild hall.

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