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*Everyone gets up and goes downstairs for breakfast*

Jesse: Hey Katie there was one more chocolate muffin and I got it just for you

Katie: Aww that's sweet of you. See James that's how a guy treats a girl. You can learn a lot from Jesse

James: I'm not taking girl advice from a middle schooler

Katie: Fine be stubborn it's your loss

*James just groans and gets his food then watches them laughing at their table and sighs*

Carlos: What's wrong James?

James: This Jesse kid. He's spending a lot of time with Katie

Carlos: What's wrong with that?

James: He's a boy and she's a girl and do you know what happens when a boy and girl spend a lot of time together?

Carlos: They become best friends just Katie did with Tyler

James: No you're not getting it. Jesse is in middle school. He's older than both of them. Katie is probably going to have a crush on him

Carlos: I think she already does. And that's not a crime James. I'm happy for them. You should be too

James: I am happy for them but I'm just worried

Carlos: Now's not the time to be overprotective James. They're fine. I like Jesse. He's really cool. He's a good kid

James:(sighs) I know that's why it's hard to not like him

Carlos: It's good that you care so much James

Jesse: Does James not like me? I feel like I make him uncomfortable

Katie: Oh you know how overprotective older siblings can be. I just roll with it

Jesse: Jamie always told me to treat others the way I want to be treated and I always have. I don't want to compromise the relationship you have with him

Katie: Don't worry you won't. You're one cool kid

Jesse: Thanks. I think you're cool too

Tyler: I think you're both the coolest friends ever

*After everyone finishes eating they go back to the museum*

Miss Collins: Ok class today we're going to visit the planetarium

George: Yes! That's awesome. I love astrology. That's how Athena got her name. She answered to it

Logan: Cool and I love astrology too

George: What do you think it's like up there in outer space?

Logan: Probably just quiet and lonely

George: Wouldn't you just love to go into outer space one day?

Logan: I don't know. My mom would miss me too much

George: I would love to go up there. I want to be the first kid astronaut to go into space and walk on the moon

Logan: I would love to work for NASA

George: Me too

Carlos: I want to see aliens

Logan:(sighs) Of course you do Carlos

Carlos: They're real you're just not a believer

Logan: Carlos there has to be scientific research and facts to help make the fact that aliens exist is true. There aren't any videos or photos yet and I doubt there will be. Maybe just maybe there is life up there but it's got to be researched and documented. Understand?

Carlos: Yeah I understand. It's just fun to believe in something that could actually exist

George: Don't worry Carlos. You'll get your wish one day

Carlos: I sure hope so

James: Guys we have to sit up front. Come on *The class goes into the exhibit* Will this be boring?

Logan: It'll be educational James

James: Exactly so it'll be boring

Logan: Keep your voice down. You don't want to offend the people that work here. They work hard everyday to make this show happen. Just sit back and relax and let your brain absorb the knowledge that is about to come before you

Kendall: James you're going to love this

James: How do you know?

Kendall: Cuz you don't know if you like something unless you try it

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now