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*Jesse sees Katie and Tyler and is hesitant to go over to them* His travel buddy is a student named Benjamin*

Benjamin: Just go over there. It'll be ok

Jesse: I can't Benny. You know what will happen if I do

Benjamin: I don't see James anywhere. I'll keep a lookout. I've got your back dude

Jesse: Thanks Benny *Walks over to Katie and Tyler* Hey guys are you having fun?

Katie: Yeah I guess so but why are you talking to us? You ended our friendship. I didn't think you liked us anymore

Jesse: I like you both very much. I want our friendship to continue. In secret

Katie: You mean be like secret agents sneaking around together to hang out with each other?

Jesse: Yeah

Tyler: Sounds like fun

Benjamin: Abort mission, abort mission! Mayday! He's coming!

Jesse: I've got to go *Runs away before James arrived*

James: Was Jesse just here?

Katie: Why do you care? You hate him. And I'm officially not talking to you anymore *walks away*

Max: Come on George let's go look at the golden silk orb weave spiders

George: No way. I don't do spiders. You know I have a problem with spiders

Max: They're not going to hurt you. They're behind a glass wall. You're perfectly safe

George: Oh please like that's going to contain them. Spiders are evil little creature with their beady little eyes and numerous hairy legs. They're evil and they're going to rise up and take over the world

Kenny:(confused) Um...what?

Logan: George is this a childhood fear?

George: Yeah it is. It all started when I was 3 years old. My dad exposed me to the world of sci-fi horror movies. It was a dark and stormy night and I didn't want to go to bed cuz the thunder was scaring me so my dad sat me down on the couch and put on a movie called Arachnid: Eight Legs Of Terror. I was so curious at what would happen then I saw a ginormous spider decapitate a cow and eat a horse alive. It traumatized me so much I screamed until I fainted. My dad must've thought I fell asleep from fear and put me to bed. The next day I had a death grip on both my parents all day terrified they would be attacked by a monstrous spider. My mom got mad at my dad and told him that I was way too young for a movie like that. He was forced to sleep on the couch for a month

Logan: Wow. Where was your mom when you guys were watching the movie?

George: She was at her friend's house. She told my dad to keep me entertained. She also told him to make sure I used the bathroom on time. Back then I was still in potty training. I'm so glad I was wearing a pull up when I got scared cuz it got um...messy. Anyway that's why I have a crippling fear of spiders

Emma: I have the same fear but my story is way different than yours. When I was 5 years old Daniel got a new toy. It was a dinosaur that made sounds and it could walk around on the floor. I wanted to play with it and he wouldn't let me. During dinner he put it on the table and I accidentally spilled my juice and it short circuited the toy and it wouldn't work anymore. He accused me of doing it on purpose as revenge for not letting me play with it. I told him it was only an accident but he didn't believe me and chased me all around the house. I hid in my closet and he told me I was going to get it good. So during the night he snuck in my room and tied up all my stuffed animals and by morning he was wearing his spider costume and told me he was the spider king and he was going to tell real spiders to attack me. He pulled out a book and opened it to the page of a giant tarantula that popped out of the page cuz it was a 3-D model book. It scared me so much I wet my bed. He called me a freaky baby. I cried for 3 hours straight. Eventually he realized he went too far and apologized to me and told me I am annoying sometimes but he still loves me. He still got in trouble for doing though

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now