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*This goes unnoticed by Mr. Bitters and he shuts everything down for the night and by this the friends have gone home*

*Sunday morning Katie and Tyler wake up and see a news crew on tv in the Palm Woods lobby and become extremely confused*

Katie: What's going on?

Logan: Buddha Bob was attacked last night but no one knows who did it

Tyler: Attacked? Is he ok?

Logan: Yeah he's ok. An ambulance took him to the hospital

Katie: Hospital? Oh my gosh this is all out fault. Is Officer Garcia here?

Logan: I don't know

Katie: We have to get down there now. Come on Tyler *They dash out the door*

Logan: Wait guys you're in your pajamas. *Puts on his slippers and robe and goes after them*

*In Lobby*

*Katie and Tyler see so many people and cameras everywhere they don't know what to do* Logan finally catches up to them panting* Guys just hold on ok? You said this is all your fault. How is that possible?

Katie: Yesterday we were at the pool and Daisy kept barking and growling at the bushes and at first it was birds then when we were leaving she barked and growled again and Buddha Bob offered to investigate for us. So Tyler, Hailey and I went to the game room to relax. He was probably attacked after we went upstairs for bed. It's all our fault

Tyler: We're the reason he's in the hospital

Logan: Guys relax it's not your fault. I promise

*Hailey comes in with Daisy* Hey guys I saw the news. I feel awful about it

Logan: Don't worry it's being taken care of. Look Officer Garcia just arrived. You guys can go tell him what you know

Katie: Ok *They go talk to him*

*The other three boys come in*

Kendall: Hey Logan what's going on here?
We heard that Buddha Bob was attacked and taken to the hospital and why are you still in your pajamas?

Carlos: Why is my Papì here?

James: Is the news crew here cuz of what happened? Cuz there's a lot of cameras here

Logan: I'll explain everything guys

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now