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Kendall: You're right Katie. But I still can't guarantee I'll do it tomorrow

Katie: Promise me you'll try. Hockey player promise it

Logan: Whoa, that's deep. You can't get out of it now Kendall. You don't have a choice 

Kendall: Ok I hockey player promise I'll visit George tomorrow

Katie: Fantastic

*Carlos returns in a much calmer mood*

*They eat dinner and go to bed*

*After school Logan goes to the community center with Max to continue working on their secret project*

Max: I was thinking we make this area bigger and the right corner smaller and then add some details in the center

Logan: Great idea. I'm hungry. I'm going to the vending machine. You want anything?

Max: Cheez-ITS please

Logan: Ok

Max: I'll give you the money

Logan: Don't worry about it I'll buy both our snacks

Max: Wow that's very generous. Are you sure?

Logan: Yeah its not a problem at all

Max: Wow thanks

Logan: You're welcome *Leaves the room and sees the Camille at the water fountain* Hey

Camille: Hey LogieBear

*Frowns*(sighs annoyed) Logan: Really?

Camille: You know I'm just teasing you. Sorry

Logan: You're lucky you're cute. If you were like Carlos. I would be chasing you right now but I've seen how fast you are and I don't have the agility or muscles to EVER catch you

*Laughs* Camille: Good to know

Logan: How's your improv class going?

Camille: Really well actually. We've acting out a lot of fun scenes. There's a lot of creative ideas we use every week to keep it fair. Every day we use one idea after we pick a name out from the jar. Today it's my turn

Logan: Awesome what's your idea?

Camille: I don't want give away too much. All I can say is that the theme is in outer space. I asked Hans to record everything so you and the guys can watch

Logan: Wow that's awesome

Max: Excuse me Juliet but I need Romeo to come back to Earth

Logan: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Max, I got distracted. I haven't even bought the snacks yet

Camille: I'm sorry too Max

Max: It's ok guys I'm not mad but Logan we have a situation with our (whisper) "project"

Logan: What's wrong?

Max: We're low on paint and glue and I don't know where the supply closet is. This place is huge. I got lost finding the bathroom

Logan: Ok just relax. I'll get the snacks then we can go find the supply closet

Max: Good plan

Logan: I've got to go Camille

Camille: So do I. See you later guys

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now