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Jesse: That's what I liked about him. He was selfless and kind and caring. He was awesome just incredible. I miss him

Logan: Why? Did he and Jamie lose contact with each other?

Jesse: No they have contact with each other every night

Logan: They live together?

Jesse: More than that. They're engaged. He works at the same place she does and has a busy schedule just like she does. They don't know when they'll plan the wedding

Logan: Wow

Jesse: If they would just use their days off wisely they could plan everything. I really really want to see them again. Jamie rarely calls home and when she does she's always in a rush to get off (sighs) I don't when I'll ever get to spend some quality time with her. I hoping she'll visit for my birthday. She can't forget my birthday right?

Logan: Of course she won't. She's your sister. It would be terrible if she didn't acknowledge it

Jesse: You think she'll visit when it comes?

Logan: To be honest from the way you've described her lifestyle I really don't know but I hope she does

Jesse: Thanks Logan. That's the glimmer of hope I need right now

Logan: You're welcome. Hey guys how's it going over there? *There's no answer* He looks over at them and sees them absolutely absorbed by the books oblivious to everything else* Looks like my plan worked

Jesse: What plan?

Logan: To get them to read

Jesse: I don't understand

Logan: They always rely on the computer when it comes to school assignments and I always try to encourage them to use books more cuz they can be very helpful but they think it'll take too long to get the information they need. So that's why I came here to encourage them by using reverse psychology

Jesse: Are you saying you took advantage of their young minds to use books instead of computers on a three week science project?

Logan: Bingo

Jesse: Wow you're good. It worked so well but Katie is really smart what if she figures out what you did and is mad instead of happy?

Logan: I'll need to get a head start out of here and be halfway across the Golden Gate Bridge before she even gets out of the parking lot

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now