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Katie: I told you the response wouldn't be the same. That was hilarious *Writes down the results*

Tyler: Could've been worse. Athena might not have even gone up to you if she wasn't so sweet and affectionate

Katie: That's true

George: I agree *Gets back in his wheelchair*

*Logan walks in* Hey guys there's a huge snack table in the lobby. Better hurry before all the good stuff is gone. So many students have come here to work on their projects that the manager figured out a way to feed all of us *Laughs* It's a madhouse out there. Oh Hi George. What are you doing here?

George: I was helping them out

Logan: They're not working you too hard are they?

George: It doesn't feel like work. It was actually really fun

*Laughs* Logan: Good. Come on are you hungry?

Katie: Yeah I am

Tyler: Me too

George: Same here

Logan: Ok I'll get the food. Tell me what you want

Katie: Here you can write everything down on this sticky note *Gives it to him and they tell him what snacks they want*

*With the huge crowd in the lobby it takes Logan 20 minutes to get to the food and make it back to the room all in one piece* Here you go

George: Thanks dude. Are you ok?

Logan: Yeah. There's a lot of people out there. I told you it was a madhouse

Katie: Thanks for be so brave

Tyler: Thanks a lot

Logan: Aw you're welcome guys

George: I've got to get home. I'll see you later Ozzie and Athena *Leaves out*

*An hour later Logan, Katie and Tyler go home*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now