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*Katie explains everything*

Officer Garcia: Thank you so much Katie. I've contacted your mom and the other boys. They'll be here soon. Ok?

Katie: Ok

*30 minutes later Ms. Knight and the guys rush in worried and anxious* Jesse's parents arrive in the same mood and so does Tyler's mother*

Ms. Knight: Oh my goodness I'm so glad you kids are ok. There must've been so much chaos and confusion you went through

Katie: There was but Logan saved our lives. He almost died for us. The masked man was gonna shoot him. He pointed the gun right at his head to blow his brains out

Ms. Knight: Oh my goodness Logan are you all right?

Logan: I'm ok Ms. Knight. Katie did such a brave brilliant thing. She knocked the guy out with a book cart so I could get away safely. She's the real hero she saved my life   

Katie: Jesse and Tyler were very helpful too

Logan: They sure were. Hey Tyler you feeling better now?

*Tyler tries to speak but no words come out and he just sits down with his head in his knees*

James: What's wrong with him?

Logan: He's still shaken up from what happened today. Going home should help him feel better

Carlos: Will he start talking again?

Logan: I don't know

Kendall: Camille is blowing up my phone with texts and calls. She's really worried about you but we didn't let her come cuz we knew it would only make her anxiety worse

Logan: You made the right decision

*They all go home to the Palm Woods*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now