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James: Are you guys ok?

Katie: Yeah I think so thanks for helping us out

James: You're welcome. Looks like you need some medical attention. You both do

Tyler: Yeah we sure do

*They go back inside and up to Apartment 2J*

Kendall: Whoa what happened? Are you ok?

Katie: Ethan happened and yeah I'm ok and Tyler is too

Kendall: Your faces sure aren't. What the heck did Ethan do?

Katie: It's too scary to talk about

James: I'll tell you exactly what happened. I saw and heard everything *Explains the story to him*

Kendall: That jerk. Oh my poor baby sister. Your beautiful little face absolutely brutalized by that monster *Hugs her tightly*

Katie: Yeah uh Kendall you're crushing my lungs

Kendall: Sorry *Quickly lets go*

*Logan comes out from their bedroom yawning* Hey guys what happened? You look like you lost a fight. Are you ok?

Katie: Yeah we're fine and we did sort of lose a fight

Logan: What sick twisted monster did this to you guys?

Katie and Tyler: Ethan

Logan: That jerk

Katie: James saved our butts

James: I taught him a lesson he'll never forget

*Carlos comes in from the pool and becomes immediately concerned by Katie and Tyler's appearance* Mi amigos what happened?

James: Ethan beat them up trying to get Zoey and Indy but I saved them all and scared the living daylights out of him

Carlos: You're their hero

*Logan gives them first aid and helps them to the couch to relax* These bruises don't look that bad you guys. I think you'll be just fine

Katie: Thanks Logan

Tyler: You're awesome

Katie: Explaining this to mom will be hard

Tyler: My mom won't take the news well either

Kendall: Don't worry we'll explain everything as gently as we can so they won't get stressed out

Katie: Thanks Kendall

Tyler: What if he bothers us again and doesn't listen to James? What are we gonna do then?

James: I think I scared him good enough to stay far away from you guys. He'll think twice before he does something stupid like that again

Katie: Awesome

Tyler: I'm good with that

*Ms. Knight comes home later that night with Tyler's mom and they're told what happened and unexpectedly calm about it*

Katie: Can Tyler stay the night?

Tyler's Mom: He can stay the rest of the week

Tyler: Wow awesome thanks mom

Tyler's Mom: You're welcome. I'll be right back with your sleeping bag and clothes *She leaves out and returns 10 minutes later* Have fun *Leaves back out*

Logan: How are you guys feeling?

Katie: Much better

Tyler: I'm not in pain anymore

Logan: Great

Katie: Are you feeling better Logan? Ethan was mean to you too

Logan: Yeah I'm alright. Feeling so much better. I listened to Phoebe Nachee on my phone. She was narrating one of her books. Her voice is so relaxing. Don't tell Camille I said that

*Katie and Tyler burst out laughing*

Carlos: What are you worried about?

Logan: Well she's concerned I'm too obsessed with Phoebe Nachee but I'm not swear. You guys don't think I'm too obsessed do you?

Carlos: No

Kendall: Maybe

James: Definitely

Logan:(sarcasm) Gee thanks James and Kendall

James: You asked we answered. Deal with it

Kendall: Ease up on him James sheesh

James: He's got a problem. The first step to addiction is admitting you have one

Kendall: Says the guy whose Cuda hair care products takes up 90% of the bathroom

James: Oh like you don't dictate the tv with the hockey channel

Carlos: Stop fighting! Stop it now! *Glares at both of them*

Logan: I shouldn't of asked the question. My mistake

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now