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James: You're welcome *Goes to the bedroom he shares with Carlos*

*After eating popcorn Katie and the boys go to her room and build a tent out of blankets and chairs* They chat all night and fall asleep around 3:30 in the morning*

*By the time the sun rises they're the first ones up and eat their breakfast*

Katie: Jesse you want to visit George with us after school today?

Jesse: Sure I would love to

Tyler: He really does enjoy visitors. His parents say it's good for his mental health and healing

Jesse: They're absolutely right. If I were in his position I would be bummed out too. I think we can all help him through. And wow these choco crunchies are delicious. Jamie says they're unhealthy and that shouldn't eat them and I know they're full of sugar but they're just so good. So I simply don't tell her I eat them. She doesn't have to know if she isn't here. Whenever she visits I usually hide them somewhere she would never look

Katie: Nice dude *Fists bumps him*

*After school they go to George's apartment*

George: Hey guys. How was school today? I heard that Tyler was leaving for good

Tyler: I'm here and I'm staying. School today was good. The whole moving away situation was really chaotic but my mom is working on being more understanding now and is doing her best to be nicer to everyone

George: Awesome. I've got some good news. Later today I'm going to the hospital to get an X-ray of my leg to see how much has healed.

Katie: That's great George but you look worried

George: I'm absolutely terrified. This the first time I've ever had a broken bone and I don't know what to expect. What if I'm not healing properly? What if my leg has to be cut off? *Sighs into his hands* I'm just really nervous

Katie: Aww don't worry George. Everything will be ok. Logan will be with you cuz he's obsessed with medical stuff and science and all that. And you know if the doctor uses a term you don't understand Logan will right there to help translate. You have nothing to worry about. Just relax

George: You're right. Thanks Katie

*Ozzie and Athena run into the room playfully tackling each other*

Jesse: They're so cute

Tyler: Where's Tiberius? Can I hold him?

George: He's in his terrarium and yeah you can hold him just be careful he's squirmy

Tyler: Ok *opens the lid and gently takes the lizard out* Hey my scaly friend *Rubs his head*

Jesse: Jamie would totally freak out if she were here right now. She would be grossed out and amazed at the same time

Katie: That's exactly how James was when he first met Tiberius but I think he really likes him now

Jesse: I like him too. Hi Tiberius. Your name is so awesome. Fits you well *rubs his back*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now