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Tyler: That was hard

Katie: I know but it had to be done. Let's go get some ice cream. It's getting really hot

Tyler: Good idea *They purchase the frozen treat from the snack kart and sit on the bench*

Katie: Wow it feels like we live in the desert sometimes

Tyler: Yeah I know what you mean. It's insane

*Walks up to them* Logan: Hey guys I just saw Jesse. He looked really sad

Katie: He wanted to be our friend again but we told him no

Logan: Why?

Katie: It's complicated. James will just make things worse again and Jesse is safer this way. I don't want him to get hurt

Logan: Aww Katie, that's sweet but Jesse is a great kid who deserves to have friends like you. I know you're concerned about James' attitude but beyond that you developed a really great friendship. Give it another chance. I think James learned his lesson after you told him you hated him

Katie: Can't be too sure on that but ok. I guess we can give it another shot

Tyler: Yeah I agree

Logan: Good talk guys. That ice cream looks good. You two look like you're on a date *Laughs*

Katie and Tyler: Ew

*Laughs some more* Logan: You guys are hilarious. I'll see you later. Ok *Walks away and goes to the community center still chuckling*

Max: What's so funny?

Logan: Katie and Tyler are eating ice cream at Palm Woods Park and told them they look like they're on a date and they looked horrified

Max: They're only 10 right?

Logan: Yeah

Max: They're too young to understand dating then. Their reactions are on point

Logan: Oh trust me they understand dating perfectly. The part they fear is when they'll be old enough to do it. They're not looking forward to it and that's fine with me. It's hard enough worrying about Katie sometimes but when she starts to date the nightmare will begin. I don't know if I'll be ready for that. When she was 5 years old she told me she wants to date a boy who will turn into a unicorn whenever she wants and I told her it might happen. Of course I was joking but she believed me for about 2 years

Max: That's hilarious. Must be fun being ten. She's almost a teenager

Logan: Yeah none of us are ready for that. She's had the mind of one since she was a baby. She was sassy and sharp as a tack. Still is

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now