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James: I'm sorry I got mad. I'm just so upset about everything that happened today. The kid Ethan is just so nerve wracking. He makes my blood boil

Logan: It's over now. You scared him good right? Just relax

James: You wanna know why I'm so quick to defend you?

Logan: I've never really thought about it but sure why?

James: My Dad was never there for me all time with the divorce and all. He told me when it comes to defense he wont ever help me out with bullies or mean teachers cuz I've got to learn to defend myself no matter what situation I'm in. He told me asking for help is a sign of weakness. But Logan you're not weak. You're strong minded and any time you've been bullied you never asked for help

Logan: That's cuz I've always been embarrassed to

James: Why?

Logan: Cuz I'm small and overlooked you're big and tall and popular. Nobody is gonna tease someone who looks confident

James: Oh I never really thought of it that way

Logan: Its ok James I'm not mad. Thanks for standing up for me. I fell on the spot where I was stabbed and it brought back some very unbearable pain but don't panic I'm ok now. It doesn't hurt anymore

James: Good

*Katie,Tyler and the puppies go to bed but don't go to sleep. They're sitting on the floor in their pajamas giggling about a show they watch on tv that's becoming popular for kids their age*

Katie: Remember season 2 episode 15?

Tyler: That one was hilarious. I laughed so hard I started coughing. My mom told me my face was red as a tomato

Katie: Ah classic

Kendall: Hey Regis and Kelly time to shut it down

Katie: Whose Regis and Kelly?

Kendall: They people on a talk show mom used to watch

Katie: Why?

Kendall: Cuz to her it was her "me time"

Katie: Adults are weird

Kendall: Yeah sometimes just go to sleep please. BOTH of you. Including the fur balls

Katie:(sighs) Fine. Goodnight Mr. Bossy

Kendall: Katie you know I don't like that name

Katie: I know *Laughs and high fives Tyler*

*The teen just face palms and walks away*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now