Chapter- 5

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Few weeks later

I woke up to the irritating noise of my alarm clock. I hate waking up early in the morning. I slowly crept out of my bed and went towards my bathroom.

After brushing and having a shower I got dressed in a white top and black skinny jeans pair it with my black Nike shoes (photo above). I pull my hair into a messy bun.

I grab my assignment from my study table, the assignment is such a pain because of these assignments I am not able to sleep properly.

I  went to  downstairs "Sweetie have your breakfast," mom said.

"Mom you didn't go to work  I ask."No, dear,  I wanted to spend time with you so, here I am making breakfast for my baby girl."

"Aww, mom, I love you so much, "I love you too dear now hurry up have breakfast and then I will drop you to your school," she said.

I reached to my class and then our lecture started and I submitted my assignment.

"You look tired are you okay, Richard asks, "Yeah, I am little tired it's just that these assignments are so stressful that I am not able to sleep properly," I said.

" I understand let's go to cafeteria you can have a coffee it will help you, "You are right so let's go."

As we were sitting someone put a hand on my eyes and  I realised it's a boy's hand and only one guy has the guts to do this as he is the only guy friend I have.

"James, you need to stop this," "Oh girl I don't want to stop I love to surprise you," he said and then he gave me a friendly hug, James and I are very good friends.

He doesn't make lots of friends as he has trust issues and people are scared of him because of his short tempted nature but he is not like that with me.

I saw Richard tightening his jaw and James is tightening his fist to control his anger oh dear am I missing something.

The  tension  between  them  was so strong  that I didn't ask anything to both  of  them  and  try  my best to focus  on  my  coffee  but I  didn't succeed I have to know what's wrong between them.

There was completed silence and both of them were shooting glares to each other and were ready to murder each other.

God, I can't handle it anymore so I grab James hand and took him out from the cafeteria.

"Wohoo easy girl what's wrong with you why are you in a rush," James said. "What's wrong me really I am the one who should ask this question so tell me about it what wrong between you and Richard", I ask.

"Nothing is wrong betw".. I didn't give him the time to complete his sentence, "Oh please James stop lying with me and tell the truth."

" Fine I will tell you, as you know I don't trust people easily, he is one of the reasons to make me like this."

''Richard and I were best friends more like brothers from playschool. I used to like a girl in 8 grade her name was Anna I had very strong feeling for her but I scare for rejection, Richard knew about her so, one day I decided to tell her about my feelings so I bought flowers for her but what I saw was unbelievable I saw Richard and Anna hugging each other not the friendly hug it broke my heart."

"I never thought he will do anything like that to me I know we were kids anyone can be attracted towards each other but that doesn't change the fact that he betrayed me," James said.

I was shocked that I was not able to say anything so I hugged James try to make him relax.

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