Chapter- 13

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Veronica POV

From last two days, I am not feeling well and the sad part is I can't skip school because my tests are going to school.

I also don't want to worry my family. I am feeling so tired but I am not able to sleep properly I see the time 1:00 am.

God why I am not able to sleep why I am feeling so reckless. I decided to go downstairs slowly don't want to wake my parents and sis.

I went towards the kitchen and saw the lights are on and someone's back towards me and I know who is it, my dad who was so busy eating a cupcake that he didn't even notice my presence so, I clear my throat to make his attention towards me.

"Jesus, princess you scared me I thought that your mom came," he said".

"Mom didn't come but if you want I can wake her," I said innocently while controlling my laughter.

"Princess don't you love your father that you want your dad to be killed by your Mother."

"Dad, if you are so scared of mom that why you keep eating sweets without her awareness."

"You are a diabetic patient sweet, are poison for you and you know mom gets so worried about your health so stop eating sweets and yeah I won't tell her."

"That's my girl" he pulls me into a hug then pulled out "Veronica you are burning."

"Oh God, Katherine" he started calling mom. "Dad, I am fine don't disturb mom let her sleep," I said.

"No, dear if she got to know I didn't tell her that you are sick she will be mad at me. she will stay with you and I am calling the doctor," he said while ignoring my protests.

" Sweetie sit and have some water" mom said. "Mom what's happening why it's so much of noise."

"Stefanie Veronica is having a high fever, " mom said.

"What why you guys didn't wake me earlier and where is dad," Stefanie ask.

"He is waiting for the doctor" mom said.

"Mr and Mrs Jonathan don't worry I have written medicine to recover her from the fever she was having a fever 103 she will have to take proper rest and then she will be fine."

''Okay, sweetie gets to rest and don't wake for school because you are not going to school I will talk to your teacher and send an application if needed."

"I will not be going to the office tomorrow as I don't want to leave my sick baby alone at home."

"No mom I will be fine you heard the doctor, I just need rest," I said.

" Yes, mom Veronica is right you should go to work and I will stay with her Stefanie said.

"Seriously, sis,'' I said. "Seriously little sis," she mimics me.

That's the main reason I didn't tell my parents because they get panic and treat me like I am a baby.

I woke up by the ringing sound of my phone. I tried to wake up from my bed but I felt an arm around my waist and then I see my sister sleeping peacefully.

I know she didn't sleep properly because she must be busy worrying about me. I checked my phone 3 missed calls of Tamara, I put my phone on silent I am still mad on her the stunt she did my posting the pictures is the reason I am upset from her.

I know she didn't do it intentionally but she wasn't the one who suffers or clarify herself. I am avoiding James because of that stunt.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want him to feel something other than our friendship and get any wrong hint.

I know avoiding him is a stupid step but the truth is I don't want him to feel strong feelings towards me and get hurt because I don't feel the way for him.

James POV

It has been two weeks after my birthday and pictures posted by her stupid friend Tamara.

I really don't like her best friends but for the first time, Tamara has done something good. When I saw our pictures and comments.

I was at the top of the world. I have feelings for veronica very strong ones. I like her very much how can I don't like her. She is beautiful, simple but, kind, honest girl. I have ever met.

She is beautiful but she never shows off her beauty. she loves being simple that's the best thing I love about her. Love, yeah I think I have fallen love with veronica but I am coward. I haven't told her about my feelings because I fear rejection.

I think I should prepare myself for rejection. I think she doesn't feel the same for me as she is avoiding me. I can't blame her but I just feel sad I cannot say that she is mine or I will make her mine.

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