Chapter- 31

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I woke up and looked the surrounding around  me,  what  am  I  doing  in Richard's penthouse.

Then I  remembered the last  night, that how  Richard came to my office and pulled the kidnapping stunt.

"Good morning, my sleeping beauty slept well", he  gave  me  a charming smile, but I will not melt by it I was really mad at him, how  can  he  do such a childish act.

"Richard please do the honour of explaining about your actions and the reason behind why did you pull such a stunt," I said while controlling my anger.

"Pleasure is all mine, my lady," he said making me angrier.

"Richard I am serious, why the hell did  you bring me in your penthouse like a caveman," I ask.

"I am also a serious baby, I  will answer all your questions I promise but after the breakfast, I  know you must be hungry," he said.

He was right I am very hungry as I didn't eat anything last night.

I stood up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom and brush my teeth with a spare brush which Richard must have kept for me.

After brushing, I  went towards the breakfast table and sit beside Richard. I was eating when suddenly he pulled me on his lap.

"Richard what are you doing," I asked.

"What it looks like, I am enjoying my breakfast and my closeness with my girlfriend," he said,  I  was about to answer him.

When I  heard someone cleared its throat I looked up to see William bro with a smiling face.

"Good morning, love birds" he teased us. I  tried to get off from his lap but Richard tightened his grip around me.

"Indeed,  it was a  good morning but now it turns into a bad morning," my dear boyfriend said, I tried my best not to laugh.

"Someone is in a bad mood did I spoil your breakfast little bro" William bro teased him.

"Oh, please cut the crap and tell me why are you here," Richard said.

"Wow, what a wonderful way to talk to your elder brother," bro said.

"At least I didn't kick you out from the penthouse like you did"  Richard complained,  I  started laughing by thinking about the incident.

"You're still upset by that incident, I already apologize for it but you will not forget it and complain about it like a 5-year-old kid, anyways I came to take you along with me I need your suggestion for a project," he said.

"I am sorry sunshine for stealing your boyfriend but this is important," bro said.

"It's okay,  brother I  understand you don't need to apologize," I said.

"Baby, I gotta go have your breakfast and  I  told the driver to bring your clothes from your house, till then take rest," he said and hugged me.

I  was so tired,  that  I  didn't go
to work and stayed in  Richard's penthouse. I came from the bathroom and noticed a box wrapped with ribbon and a letter along with it.

I opened the box and saw a beautiful grey gown, I read the letter "Baby be ready at 7:00 pm my driver will pick you, please  don't  keep  me  wait for long,  your  one  and  only handsome boyfriend Richard ❤"

I  chuckle while reading the last line this guy is so cocky. I can't even be angry with him for so long.

I  didn't know how the time flew so fast and now it's time to get ready as per my bf order.  I  am so curious and impatient by the thought of what is he up to.

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