Chapter- 8

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After Richard dropping the bomb over me that he wanted to perform with me.

It felt like my mind stop thinking If you would say I am nervous that would be just an understatement.

I was beyond nervous only of thinking I will be performing and that too with Richard makes my hand sweating and my mind crazy.

What should I do I was thinking when I was interrupted by the knock on my door. "Veronica is everything think okay", sis asks.

'Everything is fine Steffie don't worry', I said.

"Now I have to worry and I am sure you are not okay." She said.

"What are saying Stefanie," "That's it you have called me Stefanie twice you never call me by my name, so spell what is bothering you she said".

I told her everything and I was silent to see her response. "Veronica what's bad in it, you should really perform."

"It will build your confidence and it will make a wonderful memory of your high school. so,  stop  being stubborn and don't think so much." I think she is right I have to do this.

After wonderful advice from my sister, I make my mind to perform. so here I am reading the lyrics of the song which we have to perform.

I am excited and nervous. "So you like the song lyrics Richard said".

"Of course  I  love this song since my childhood". The song was Anastasia the beginning (song video above). "I am glad you like it, so shall we start he said, I nodded.

When I was singing the song all the nervousness vanished, and it felt so good that I can't express.

"That was wonderful Veronica, I told you early that you sing too well but I don't know why you hesitate to sing," he said.

" I think you are right I shouldn't have been a coward I ... he didn't let me continue, ''Hey never say that you are not a coward, you are a shy person so I understand it's not easy for you to open up so don't blame yourself he said." I smile appeared to my face he knows me so well I thought to herself.

I was so tired that when I reached my house I throw myself on my bed and start checking my phone 5 missed calls of Tamara and 3 missed calls of Ashley.

Oh God, I haven't talked to my friends for almost a week. this is not good they both going to kill me, I should call to Ashley, she is easier to handle than Tamara.

Me: Hello, Ashley baby how are you?

Ashley: Bitch you are not taking my calls and you think by calling me baby you can calm me hell no!!
God this is tougher than I thought she is beyond mad.

Me: Ashley love I am sorry I know it's my mistake. I was busy because of assignments and now this performance that I was not able to talk to you.

Ashley: oh, wow so you know your mistake and performance is the main reason I am mad at you. you are participating and you didn't share it with us and we are getting to know from others and you call us bestie.

Me: I know I am sorry, by the way, you are getting to know from others?

Ashley: others means your bestie, James.

Me: James oh, by James I just realize his birthday is coming I was thinking to surprise him. he doesn't have must friends I need your help please help me.

Ashley: Did I say I forgive you, you are so mean. I don't like James but yeah I will help you.

Me: I knew it thank-you so much love you 😘
Thank God, I am able to handle her and I will handle Tamara later.

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