The Planes.

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May 13th, Monday

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May 13th, Monday.
The Planes.

'...This was out last chance. And none of us were going to give up on it...'


I rolled over, stretching a little as my eyes slowly opened. I could see the sunlight peeking through the cardboard and curtains that were stuck to the windows.

I sat up, seeing no one else was awake yet. I used my torch to get a new set of clothes for the day, I've been in these clothes for two days already.

I grabbed my spare pair of clothes, torch, a bottle of water, my toothbrush and tooth paste, along with some deodorant. I made my way downstairs, and into a bathroom.

I've become well aquanted with the smell by now.

I'm sure that ninety percent of the air we were breathing in now was probably close to toxic, but none of us have dropped dead just yet so I'll take that as a good sign.

I got changed, brushed my teeth and did my business before making my way back to everyone else. I dumped my stuff on my sleeping bag, grabbing my weapons belt before I placed my pillow at the end of Rivers bed/sleeping bag.

God he snores really loudly, reminds me of Reed and the amount of times I thought about suffocating him just to shut him up... Well I wouldn't admit it back then but I would now.

Anyway, I made my way back downstairs, Ted suddenly on my tail? I let him trail along behind me anyway, walking out of the building as I recalled seeing a gym two shops down as we entered the street.

I scoped out the area before deeming it safe. Guess Z's aren't in a hurry to get fit and in shape now are they?

I wrapped my hands in tape as I usually do just to stop the bruising and cuts, but still give me the freedom on punching rather than issuing gloves. I dropped my belt a little future away on the mat, noticing Ted now laying on the floor in front of the door, looking at me, but not really looking at me?

Because he's blind and all.

I shook my head, standing in front of the punching bag. I think this gym is the only store I've seen in shape for the past few months. Everything else has been broken into and stolen from.

I found myself in gyms more than I thought I ever would. Whenever I got the chance, and whenever I recall seeing a gym while on our way to a new place, I'd sneak off to it early in the mornings. This helped me let some frustration and other emotions out that I know I needed to do.

I always left my pillow at the end of Rivers bed as a little signal to him. He tended to cover for me in the morning while everyone got up and was wondering where I was.

I wasn't ashamed of going to the gym, I just liked my peace and quiet. Plus I'm a big girl now. I know how to handle things on my own.

I started with one punch and then another.

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