The Compromise.

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July 2nd, Tuesday

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July 2nd, Tuesday.
The Compromise.

I sat in the living room with my back facing the front door, a gun in my belt and a knife twirling around in my fingers. My main focus was on the sleeping body in front of me, but my eye also caught sight of the ring that was on my finger a few times as well.

But other than that I'd been waiting for them to wake up so we could have a little chat.

My heart was at a steady pace for the first time in a few hours. The sun had slowly started rising and was peeping through the curtains. It was going to be a hot day.

The body in front of me didn't seem like they were going to be waking up anytime soon so I decided used my next option. Throwing a cup of cold water on her face.

I made my way to the kitchen and filled a cup up with water. I sat back down on the couch and threw the water at her as I was sat opposite her on my chair.

As soon as the water hit her face she awoke, gasping and frowning.

"What the?" She instantly said looking around the room.

She looked around, knowing she didn't fall asleep in this room, her not managing to fall on me. She suddenly looked down at her body before her eyes opened as she understood what was going on.

Her eyes then fell on my as she tried getting up and out of the restraints, but it wasn't working.

"Sydney, what's going on?" She asked.

I watched as she tried to undo the array of rope and tape that was wrapped around her body and legs as she was tied to a dining table wooden chair that John's next door neighbour let me 'borrow'.

Okay I admit, I stole it.

Anyway, Jack and Brad helped me move and tie my mom up to the chair, without her waking up thank god. They were hesitant at first to help, but I persuaded them.

Until she proved to me she wasn't dangerous and trying to get us all killed, I'm going to keep her tied up and away from that phone, which was still in the cupboard.

"Sydney! What the hell is this?!" She got louder and louder as she moved around on her chair trying to break free.

I stood up, holding my knife in my hands as I approached her. As soon as she saw it, realising what situation she was actually in, she gasped and shook her head.

"What are you doing?!" And she started screaming.


I bent down right in front of her and held my knife up to her face. She immediately froze and stopped screaming.

God, who thought we'd ever be here?

My mother tied to a chair, and I, holding her captive.


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