The Plan And Surprise.

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July 1st, Monday

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July 1st, Monday.
The Plan And Surprise.

The plan was simple.

Or so I was hoping it would be. I don't know exactly, I hadn't come up with one if I'm being honest here.

It's been a stressful day and a half. Finding the small two bedroom place just a little to crowded for all of us to be staying in for extensive periods of time. For none of us to be able to leave or even go for a walk.

I've noticed, by sitting in front of John's window, where a hole could be seen through the curtian, the police seemed to be scouring the streets.

Yesterday alone I counted twelve cars drive past within the time span of two hours.

We'd all been talking and concocting our next move. And finally we'd been able to settle on one thing.

We were screwed.

We are either going to go insane staying in this place all together, or we were going to go outside and be caught and probably killed.

As I flicked on the T.V last night for a mere minute, our faces all popped up on the screen. Big wanted stamps all over the screen, just for us. What I had really noticed though this morning while watching it the news again, was the fact there was no talk.

No talk about the apocalypse.

No talk about my interview.

No talk about anyone mentioning anything to do with the apocalypse or even death. No one was providing anyone with information.

The news stories were all filled with happy things and the usual sports results. Nothing, besides the wanted ads that popped up ever hour or two, was related to the apocalypse.

Like they were trying to distract everyone or make everyone forget.

Something was going on.

Something none of us even realised until now.

"You know you look kind of crazy right?" I jumped a little, looking to my right to see River taking a seat beside me on the floor.

I was watching through the peep hole in the curtain in the main living area as I had been basically all day yesterday. We haven't been able to draw back the curtains in fear of someone seeing us, although we were three stories high.

We were also dying of heat because it was summer and this place is no air conditioning at all.

John has been in and out all day yesterday, giving us updates on everything. I was so thankful for him and repeadly said thank you. He had left not too long ago yet again, but this time he left me with some information I was using to put into my plan.

"Thanks," I nodded as River passed me a bottle of water as well, "Just keeping a look out." I nodded.

So far I'd seen two ladies walk past, one was walking her dog, the other was just walking for fun. There was an old couple who had gone on a walk and returned to the building two hours later. And I'd seen a total of twenty cars past by.

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