The New Country.

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May 15th, Wednesday

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May 15th, Wednesday.
The New County.

"Sydney... Pss, come on wake up." I slowly opened up my eyes, stretching a little as I saw Parker sitting beside me.

He gave me a small smile before stepping away. I sat up, looking around to see that I'd moved in my sleep?

I kicked the blanket off of my body. Turning to see everyone now standing up with their backpacks on. I suddenly notice that the plane wasn't moving anymore.

"We've landed?" I frowned.

Caleb nodded in response.

I realised that it was now quiet. The plane had turned off completely.

I also noticed that I had moved in my sleep because the plane had declined straight down during landing and I wasn't strapped in so I had to have moved at some point.

All well.

"It won't be long until they grab everything from here, so let's get ready just in case they try and ambush us." Kimmy spoke.

I nodded, grabbing my belt and backpack, standing up and putting them on.

We packed away the blankets and pillows into their original box. I could feel my leg was now throbbing, but I didn't get the chance to take anymore medication. I hope I can soon then.

We all suddenly froze as a large noise could be heard from the side of the plane.

I glanced at the others, we were still hidden and didn't exactly know what to do as the door to the plane started to open. Exposing bright lights. I don't believe it was day time because the lights seemed to bright and artificial to be coming from the sun.

We never reached this far in the plan. The last step was to get onto the plane... That was it. We weren't prepared for more security guards and actually getting to a new country, if we're even out of the damn place. For all we know they knew we were on board and circled the plane back around.

I mentally prepared myself, pulling out my gun as the door opened. It didn't even have any bullets, but no one needed to know that.

I wonder where we've landed though?

We watched the door open ever so slightly, before we heard a set of stairs, like the ones we had climbed to get up on here, being wheeled to the plane.

I shook my head, mentally preparing myself.

Let's do this.

We heard footsteps climbing up the metal stairs, all of us peeking out from behind where we were hidden to see who it was.

It was a women, an airport worker. She had a set of ear muffs wrapped around her neck and was wearing a fluorescent yellow coat. A genuine smile was plastered on her face as she picked up a suitcase that was in front of her, placing it on what I consumed was a conveyer belt as a new sound was being heard and the suitcase disappeared out of sight.

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