The Distruction Of A Nation.

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A Few Minutes Later

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

A Few Minutes Later.
The Distruction Of A Nation.

I had to give it to John, he was an angel and my saviour right now. I know that without his help and without his knowledge of this place and the friends that he had, I wouldn't be in this building doing this right now.

But I'm also starting to see why he liked the job of following me around, rather than guarding the place here. It was boring as hell.

We'd been walking for what felt like hours in this place, where every corridor looked the freaking same. It was quiet ridiculous if you ask me.

There were five levels to this place, and Michael was on the bottom floor. Guards weren't allowed to take the elevator, stairs only which kind of made our job easier. We passed many people walking around in lab coats and goggles, while holding clipboards like in the movies.

But it really wasn't until we got to the last level where the real fucked up shit started being displayed to me.

I had to not only keep quiet, but also just walk like I hadn't seen anything as I walked past open door and windows, where I have now seen things that I didn't know even existed.

It really was like Arcatia's Area 51... Just no aliens.

John and I spoke when it was safe too, when people weren't around. He's told me about the room Michael was in, called the MIRROR room. He didn't know what it stood for but what he did know was that many people went in and not many came out.

Apparently only a small handful of people could actually enter the room. It wasn't hard to get into it was just a big rule that you weren't allowed in.

John has never been in it before but he said he'd heard stories. And seen some things.

The room is sound proof, and the camera that we saw Michael in was positioned in a way that with what really does go down, can't be seen.

John also informed me that every guard working here, including himself are sworn to secrecy, and are not allowed to have any family connections, ever. Once they're in this job they're alone and forced to be alone. Hence why John lives alone and doesn't talk about his family, because he doesn't have any. I don't know his back story exactly but it sounds lonely.

We discussed a new plan on the walk down as we were really going to need one.

"Alright. You've got fifteen minutes. If you don't exit, I'm pulling the fire alarm." John said as we were now stood outside the door I was about to enter.

The MIRROR room looked exactly like all the other rooms, but it didn't have a window with it. Or any other door remotely close to it for a couple of feet each side of the main door.

What it did have on it was a big 'WARNING DO NOT ENTER UNLESS AUTHORISED. DO NOT ENTER WHEN LIGHT IS RED' sign on the front of it, and a red light shining just above the top of the frame.

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