The Answers.

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July 6th, Saturday

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July 6th, Saturday.
The Answers.

A whole day had already passed, and I'd only just started to get my voice back now.

Whatever happened to my throat, had really messed it up.

I had the chance last night as I had another bath, this time on my own, to actually get a look at my body in a mirror.

I was covered in bruises, scratches, cuts and bandages that had to help reapply. I looked worse than I did when I got out of the apocalypse, excepted I actually looked like I'd gained more weight. Still too skinny but Caleb's meals before had helped a little. My neck was covered it bright purple bruises, in the shape of a hand print. My back was sore now I'm just one spot as I clearly somehow cut it at some point during the explosion. That had stitches and so did the one on my forehead. My dad joked about it being my third eye last night as they all returned for dinner again. But that was the part that hurt the most honestly.

I'd been popping pills to help with the pain, and more vitamins were trying to be shoved down my sore throat to help with not being able to eat solids for a few days.

Brad and I had spent half of yesterday laying in our bed watching movies. Which felt so weird to do, to relax. But I enjoyed it a lot.

Considering I'd also technically been ordered the bed rest, I was happy that Brad chose to stick by my side and didn't go wondering off to do things with the others boys. Don't get me wrong, when they randomly popped in to say hello of course he spoke to them, but he never left my side.

This morning I'd spent a few hours sitting on the same chair I sat on when I first got here two days ago, just watching the ocean, and reading a book that Marie had given to me.

My throat was less swollen now and I was ready for answers. So they could fill in the missing memories I had in my brain.

How was I passed out for four days and no memory of how I passed out?

I was waiting for the memories to come back in flashbacks or dreams, but nothing had appeared. Maybe hearing half of the story from John, would re-jog my memory.

"John, Naomi and River are all here!" I heard Brad called out.

John was here to help fill in the blanks, Naomi knew the truth as John had talked to her about it yesterday, and River... I have no idea why he's here but I need all the support I can get right now.

I lifted my arm and motioned for them to join me outside as I leaned back on the chair.

This view, this house, this holiday... Seemed a little too good to be true. I kind of wish it'd stay like this. But with Michael alive or not, I'm not too sure on that, I know it won't ever be safe anywhere.

He's probably on his way to kill us right now.

"Hey Sydney!" River smiled, taking a seat right on the end of my chair.

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