The Operation.

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May 19th, Sunday

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May 19th, Sunday.
The Operation.

I was awoken this morning by the smell of smoke from a cigarette. My mind instantly flashed to being back in the apocalypse, before I looked around to see I was in fact safe, and in the bedroom I fell asleep in.

I got up out of the bed, grabbing a coat from my cupboard as I was freezing, brushed my teeth and then went to find Marie as I knew it was her.

She was on the balcony I only just realised existed, smoking a cigarette.

She quickly put it out as I slide the door open. She tried to act normal but I knew that she knew that I knew she'd been smoking again.

"What's up?" She asked, trying to sound casual but failing miserably.

"Not much, just woke up." I mumbled, wrapping my coat around my body as it became colder than it was inside.

Isn't it supposed to be summer or something?

"Uh, Kimmy popped in to see if you were awake." She must have arrived when I finally fell asleep, damnit.

"I'll go see her later. Hey what is the time anyway?" I asked.

"Nine." She nodded after pulling her phone from her pocket to check.

I slept for a whole four hours, go me.

I spent the night staring at the ceiling as all I could think about was what had happened the previous day. Running into Brad just played over and over in my head and I could stop it. I fishy want anyone to know I'd run into him, but I was scared now that he was going to be around every corner I turned.

I have no idea why he was in this building or where he was going and I don't care. I'm now just worried and on edge.

"Thanks." I mumbled, taking in a deep breath.

"Did Kimmy say anything when she showed up?" I asked, remembering the message she sent me yesterday.

"No, she just said she'll come back later." Marie shrugged.

I followed behind Marie as she walked inside. I tried racking my brain to remember how to get to her place, or Rivers at least because they're next door to him.

I took a quick shower... Well I tried but I ended up spending a little more time in there than a normal person would as I savoured the way the warm water felt against my skin. I chucked on a basic outfit, a coast and a shoe as the other foot was still occupied by a cast and a moon boot.

My leg keeps getting itchy with the damn thing on it and I can't scratch it! Anyone else ever had that problem before?

Anyway I ventured off to find Kimmy, looking carefull around every corner before turning down it. Probably looking like an idiot, but I was being cautious. I really wasn't in the mood or right frame of mind right now to see him.

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