The Tattoo.

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May 20th, Monday

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May 20th, Monday.
The Tattoo.

When I awoke, panic instantly took over my body. As soon as I opened my eyes and realised where I was, which was back in the apartment rather than the hospital, I panicked more.

They sedated me... Again.

They've got to stop doing that! That's got to be illegal right?

I also realised that I was alone in my room as well.

How'd I even get here?

Why couldn't they give me a specific answer about Athena? I remember that, and that they couldn't tell me where she actually was.

Where's my sister?!

So many questions, not enough answers!

I sat up in my bed, feeling a little queasy and sore... Well everywhere.

My hands fell to my stomach, and I became sad almost instantly.

They had to remove my baby from me.

I was going to be a mother, but the apocalypse took that from me!

I never missed a period, or ever got morning sickness or felt any kind of symptoms that come with a pregnancy so if I hadn't of left the apocalypse... I wouldn't have known that I was pregnant.

Wow could you imagine that? Having a miscarriage in an apocalypse, dying and the never knowing that you were pregnant in the first place?

I wish I had of known, I would have taken better care of myself. I would have done everything to help my baby.

I would have tried harder...

I slowly climbed out of my bed, taking my medication that was sat on my bedside table. I changed out of the hospital gown and into some comfy clothes from my cupboard.

My brain and all my thoughts were jumping all over the damn place. I also felt like crying, having a tantrum and screaming all at the same time.

How fucked up is it that the government and Michael to think that giving us somewhere to stay, food, free money and clothes, is going to keep up from being quiet? Why can't we tell anyone about our journey? How on earth does anyone believe that this is fair?

What we all went though is something that can't be brought, something that can't be taken away or ever forgotten.

I tied my hair up into a bun, slowly making my way into the living room and out of my room. I had no energy to do anything right now. I kind of feel a little bit numb.

But of course, as I exited my room, there sat on the couch in the living room was Kimmy and Caleb. They both rushed to my side to give me a hug.

I stood there awkwardly, not really knowing what to do.

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