The Interview And Arrest.

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Later That Night

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Later That Night...
The Interview And Arrest.

I stood for a few seconds as Brad disappeared. And just to my luck, it started drizzling with rain.

I shook my head and started my quest.

The place I'm supposed to be meeting this news lady at, is a few streets over.

Let's do this.

I turned off down another alleyway as I mentally remembered the direction and turns I needed to take. I had a feeling that it was going to be busy on any main roads, so I had to steer clear of those.

I quickly turned around walking to a slow jog. I'd run but in heels and a cast it's not possible. Also it was raining and everything was wet and slippery.

I hid in all the darkest corners that I could find, keeping out of sight and away from any cameras I could see on buildings. And if I did pass one I kept my head down and hair over my face.

I didn't want to risk anything at all.

I quickly found myself walking up and standing beside the building I was going to need to enter, but immediately froze as I watched saw movement.

A bunch of cops exited from the building.


I hid behind a random pole as best as possible as it seemed they were leaving. There were about six of them and they could probably all take me down.

"She's at the hospital, boss just said so." One of them yelled as they continued walking through the rain.

"Why the hospital?" Another yelled.

It started getting a little heavier, so they decided to run to their cop cars that were sat out the front.

They quickly left in their cars, and I waited for a minute just to make sure no one else was in there. Thankfully there wasn't any signs of anyone related to security or the police.

I kept my head and eyes down as I entered the building. I could feel everyone looking at me as I entered and walked to the reception desk, dripping wet from the rain. I'm sure I was leaving a puddle of water.

"Sydney." Was all I said to the lady as I looked up at her.

The receptionist eyes opened as she must have been studying me before hand.

"Room A3. That way." She pointed, her hand shaking a little.

I gave her a little nod and walked off through the building, ignoring everyone else's glares as I was looking at all the doors to find the one I needed to answer.

Let's do this. You can do this Sydney!

I inhaled and exhaled before I opened the door and entered the room I needed to be in.

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