The Family Lunch.

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May 21st, Tuesday

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May 21st, Tuesday.
The Family Lunch.

River left early this morning, leaving me a note on the coffee table to say he'd see me later on hopefully.

Marie also hadn't reappeared in the apartment, it seemed as though she hadn't slept in her bed at, so I gave her a call. She explained that she'd spend the night with Savannah. I knew they were close but I was closer to Marie than anyone else. I feel like something was going on... But I couldn't be sure of what it really was.

I woke up, took my pills and vitamins before going for a shower. Which I'd just finished in. I wrapped a towel around my body, slightly opening the door, hoping not to see Brad sitting on the edge of my bed again.

Thank god he wasn't in the room and it was clear. But as I stepped out of the bathroom, a knock could be heard.

Caleb popped his head in.

"Hey sis, can we have a chat when you're ready?" He asked quickly.

I nodded.

"Give me a minute." He gave me a nod and shut the door.

I got dressed, just into some basic clothes as that was all I had. I also sent River a message, letting him know I was going to come over to his place after talking with Caleb. He sent me a thumbs up as a reply.

I made my way into the living room, seeing Savannah, Marie and Caleb all crowded in the living room whispering between each other.

"Who died?" I joked as they all had a somewhat concerned expression on their face.

"No one, I hope." Marie frowned.

Caleb and Savannah friend at her. God they're acting weird.

"Anyway... Kimmy and Parker have gone down to the animal shelter to see what they can do about getting Ted back." Ted! I'd forgotten about Ted.

I still have a love hate relationship with that dog.

"Animal shelter? He passed quarantine?" I tried not to sound excited but I was.

I would have thought that they'd have put him down by now. He's blind and his only purpose before was warning us about Z's... He doesn't need to do that anymore.

"Yeah, I recieved a text from the shelter this morning saying I could pick him up but Kimmy decided she wanted to go instead... We've been allowed to keep him in my-our," He said looking at Savannah who crossed her arms, "Just under the condition that he doesn't disturb anyone... It just means we have to take him outdoors and downstairs every time he needs to go to the bathroom but he's an easy dog anyway." He shrugged.

"How did anyone even know a, Ted had a name and b, that he was ours?" Savannah suddenly spoke.

"Sydney and I made him a new tag to go on his collar," Marie smiled, more like she forced me to help, "It just said Ted. And as for how everyone knew he was ours... Didn't you know Savannah, we're famous." Marie said mockingly.

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