Boy in the Corner

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It was Jungkook's first day at his new school. He had moved to Seoul just three days ago with his grandma. He was both nervous and excited at the same time. He hoped that he would make new friends in this school.

Jungkook held his books close to his chest. His bag hung on one of his shoulders and his schedule was on top of his pile of books.

He took a deep breath. "You can do this Jeon Jungkook. It's going to be a great day." He told himself and smiled with his bunny teeth as he walked into the building of his new school.

He saw a lot of boys and girls walking in groups around him. Jungkook shyly surfed through the crowd.

"Let's see. My first lesson is with Mr. Kim, Biology." Jungkook read his schedule. He looked around for a sign or somebody to ask for help. He spotted a blonde boy near him. He looked about his age.

Jungkook took a breath and walked towards him. "Excuse me," he asked the boy, "Could you tell me where Mr. Kim's class is?"

"There are four 'Mr. Kim's in the school. Which one are you asking for?" The blonde boy replied.

"Uh..." Jungkook checked his schedule, "Biology?"

"Go straight and left from that corner." The blonde boy smiled as he pointed towards the class.

"Oh thanks a lot, er -"

"My name is Jimin. Park Jimin. I don't think I've seen you before. You must be new." The boy held out his hand.

"I am Jungkook. It's my first day." He shook Jimin's hand and waved goodbye as he walked to his class.

"See you around!" Jimin said and he got back to his work.

Jungkook saw a classroom that seemed right. He entered with a knock, "Er- Mr. Kim?" He asked.

"Oh yes. Come in." The teacher signaled him to enter, "You must be, eh- Jeon Jungguk?"

"Yes. Jungkook sir." He bowed.

"Right class. You have a new student. This will be your homeroom Jungkook." Mr. Kim announced.

Jungkook awkwardly waved at the class in which he saw all scary faces. None of them moved a muscle. Jungkook gulped.

"Oh great another nerd in the classroom. Are those your grandma's glasses bunnyboy?" A boy in the corner spoke. Everyone laughed. Jungkook adjusted his glasses. His eyes immediately reached the boy who had mocked him.. He had black hair and a fair skin. There was a scar on his left cheek. His eyes had a sparkle in them that Jungkook suddenly noticed. He was stunned.

He had never seen any guy so handsome before. His mouth fell open. He kept looking at the boy.

"He is so handsome." Jungkook thought.

Jungkook kept staring at his brown eyes until the boy frowned. Jungkook immediately looked away.

He shook his head to get the thought out of his mind. "What are you thinking Jungkook?"

"You can take a seat Jungkook. And thank you for your unnecessary comment Taehyung. You will meet me after class."

Jungkook nodded and walked forward to get a seat. He registered the name in his mind. Taehyung. As he walked past Taehyung, Jungkook felt something hit his feet as he tripped and almost fell forward.

"Lost your balance?" Taehyung smirked. Jungkook saw his leg stuck out over which he had tripped. Jungkook avoided him and sat on an empty desk at the back of the class.

He couldn't tell if he was going to like this school or not. Biology was an interesting subject according to Jungkook. Though it wasn't his favourite which would have to be music, he enjoyed Mr.Kim's class.

As he prepared to leave the class for his next lecture, he felt a hand hit his back. He was about to yell in pain but then he saw who had hit him. He gulped his reaction with fear and looked at Taehyung.

"Bye bunnyboy. See you around." Taehyung ran in front. Jungkook sighed. He could still feel his back hurt. Why did some people have to be so mean?

He had quite some time before his next class so he decided to explore the school. He walked down the hallway. He noticed that everyone was staring at him now.

He got awkward as everyone was laughing at him. He hid his face in the books and thought, "What's wrong? Why is everyone staring at me?"

He quickly skipped through the hall as he came across nasty comments like-

"Nice jacket, dork."

"So uncool man."

"Hey, dork"

And just laughter from all four sides. Jungkook was so confused.

"Is it written on me that I am a new student and I want to be bullied?" He thought. Each time anyone spoke to him, they also pinched him. He had started to get water in his eyes.

"What have I done?" He thought, "Is everyone so mean in this school?"

Jungkook ran to his next class. As he entered the room, everyone started laughing. He heard the boys and girls whispering to each other.

"Want me to pinch you?" Someone said. Jungkook's eyes widened as the boy took out a paper that was stuck to his back. With bold letters on them-


Jungkook's eyes teared up as he read the note. Only one person's picture popped into his head. Taehyung. He had hit his back while exiting the class. Jungkook looked at the mean faces of the people in the classroom who were laughing at him.

He noticed a smirk from a boy in the corner. Taehyung. Jungkook crumpled the paper and threw it at him as he ran out of the class covering his face.

YOU MAKE ME BEGIN: A Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now