An Unexpected Encounter

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The next day, Jungkook reached school early. He sat in the class and started reading his book. No one had arrived yet. After yesterday's incident, Jungkook was anxious to know what Taehyung had to say to him.

As he sat for a while, slowly people started to come in and the class was filled. There was no sign of Taehyung.

The class started. Jungkook kept staring at the door waiting for Taehyung to come. He had seen Taehyung's face yesterday. It did not look good. He felt so bad for ever taking his notebook. It was his fault that Jimin broke up with him.

After a while, Jungkook heard a knock at the door. His eyes immediately turned towards the door. It was Taehyung. His face was red and he wore a mask that was covering his face. His eyes were puffed up and had dark marks under them.

"He doesn't look good..." Jungkook thought.

"You are late Kim Taehyung!" The teacher told him.

"Sorry, sir. It won't happen again." His voice was gruff.

"Make sure."

Taehyung hung his head and glumly walked over to his seat. He did not lift his head up even once during the class.

At the end of the class, Jungkook purposely walked near his place to get his attention but Taehyung didn't make him fall. Instead, he just ignored him. Jungkook did not like this Taehyung. He would much rather have Taehyung beat and mock him than ignore him like that.

This continued for days. He wouldn't even look at their table at lunch anymore. Jungkook couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Even Jimin seemed glum and Jungkook blamed himself for it.

"You really like him, don't you?" He asked Jimin.

Jimin thought for a while, "He's changed, Jungkook. I keep telling myself that everything is the same, but it isn't."


"Don't blame yourself. It was my decision. And it's not only because he's changed. I've changed too..." Jimin smiled.

"So... You don't like him anymore?" Jungkook asked.

"Can we talk about something else please?" Jimin interrupted.

Jungkook nodded. He had no idea how to make things better. "Everything happens for a reason..." He thought.

One day, Jungkook had a day off from his part-time job so he decided to go out for a walk. He wanted to explore different parts of the neighbourhood. So, he took his phone and wallet as he started to wear his shoes.

"Be careful Kookie! Don't get lost." His grandma warned, "Be home before dark."

"Don't worry Grandma! I'll be fine!" Jungkook told her as he exited the house.

But Jungkook, being lost in his own thoughts, lost track of time and his way. He walked for a while, checked out new shops and areas. But by the time he decided to go home, he was in a completely different neighbourhood.

It was starting to get dark and he could see clouds forming in the sky. The wind was also very strong. A vague memory of the weather channel came to his mind... "There is going to be a storm this Thursday."

"Damn it." He thought, "Why did I have to go out for a walk today? I completely forgot about the storm.

Jungkook looked for someone to ask the way but the area was completely deserted. He couldn't see anyone for a few meters. He kept walking. As he turned from an unknown lane, he heard a familiar voice.

He hid behind a pole and looked. He saw a recognizable boy with brown hair standing in front of a big mansion. Taehyung was standing there in the rain with huge bags fallen near him.

YOU MAKE ME BEGIN: A Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now