The Notebook

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Jungkook took a deep breath as he walked suspiciously down the hallway. He hid his face in his books and covered his head with a hood as he surfed through the crowd.

After Taehyung had left the library yesterday, Jungkook had taken his diary that had fallen out of his bag. He intended on returning it in the start, but he couldn't resist the temptation of opening it and seeing what was inside.

"It's wrong," Jungkook told himself.

After hours of pacing in the room and thinking, his impulse took over and he decided to open it. No one had to know. He could slide it back under his desk tomorrow.

He was sat on his bed with the notebook in his lap as he lifted the cover. But Jungkook had always been an honest boy, so as soon as he glanced at the page, he shut the book. This was not right. It wasn't his property. So he kept it back in his bag.

"I'll return it tomorrow." He thought.

And there he was today, with the diary hidden in his hoodie, he quickly paced to the class. When he saw the empty class, he quickly slid the diary under Taehyung's desk.

Jungkook sat in a corner as he waited for everyone to come in the class. He hid his face as he saw Taehyung entering the class. He noticed how Taehyung was in a bad mood.

As Taehyung sat down, he saw the notebook in his desk. He looked around the class and his face turned red. Jungkook watched him as he stuffed his notebook in his bag and stomped out of the class.

As he saw him leave, Jungkook sighed and removed the book that was covering his face.

Jungkook hid from Taehyung for the whole day. He didn't want to go near him and blurt out something that would make him look suspicious.

The day was almost over as Jungkook was walking down the hallway with Jimin. Suddenly, he felt a hand grab his hood and pull him back. Jungkook lost his balance as his books fell out of his hands. He looked behind him and he saw a raged Taehyung. Jungkook gulped.

"Give me my diary!" Taehyung growled moving his face closer to Jungkook's.

"Wh- What diary?" Jungkook whimpered.

"Listen, dork," Taehyung pulled him by the shirt's collar, "I know you took it after I left yesterday."

"I- I don't know what you are talking about." Jungkook bravely spoke.

"Don't act so clueless." Taehyung violently pinned him to a wall. Jungkook felt his backbone crack.
"Hey!" Jimin yelled as he pulled Taehyung.

"I had my diary yesterday during detention. I couldn't find it anywhere today. You were the only one there. There is just one explanation- You. Took. It." He said.

"Bu-But I- I kept it back in your desk..." Jungkook managed.

"So you admit you took it!" Taehyung's eyes were red. Jungkook felt a punch in his stomach as he struggled to breathe. People gathered around them, "You bastard!" Taehyung kicked him as he fell on the ground.

"TAEHYUNG!" Jimin yelled as he ran in between them.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook tried to get up.

"I told you it was NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Taehyung yelled as he pulled him up and pushed him away. Jungkook managed to stand on his feet. Taehyung walked closer.

"What did you see?" He angrily asked.

"I swear, I didn't open it," Jungkook told him.

But in return, he just received punches from Taehyung. He tried to defend himself but Taehyung was too strong. With full force, he walked near him as he attacked him. Everyone was watching as Taehyung mercilessly beat Jungkook.

Jungkook was lying on the ground with Taehyung on top of him. Jimin pulled him away.

"Jimin you can stay out of this," Taehyung told him. He was so angry that he couldn't think straight.

"Stop it now Taehyung!" Jimin held his hands.

"I said STAY AWAY!" Taehyung growled as he pushed Jimin with force. He almost fell in the floor. Jimin was shocked. He stared at Taehyung as he realized what had happened. Taehyung was also taken aback.

"That's it Taehyung." Jimin stood up with Jungkook, "We are done!" A tear dropped from his eyes.

Taehyung stood there, "Jim-" he tried but he cut him off.

"I've had enough of you Taehyung. You have to learn to control your anger. I gave you a chance but you blew it. I can't believe I actually thought you had changed." Jimin angrily told him.

"No Jimin, I'm- " Taehyung tried.

"No, you're not. You are not sorry. I don't want to see you again. You are just a mean, arrogant and iron-hearted person!" Jimin yelled as he walked away with a limping Jungkook.

Taehyung stood there with his head down. He knew this was it. He had crossed the limit. Jimin was gone... forever...

YOU MAKE ME BEGIN: A Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now