I Hate You

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It had been two days since Jungkook had started dating Jimin. As far as Taehyung knew, Jungkook was the happiest person on the planet.

He was quite oblivious in these things. He had always been. Jungkook was now mad at him. "Can't he tell that I like him?" He thought.

The only reason he even said yes to Jimin, was because he was mad at Taehyung. Mad for treating him like that. So mad, that he couldn't even look at him anymore. He just wanted to punch him and make him see the truth.

All Taehyung observed in Jungkook's conflict was that he was ignoring him. Ever since Jungkook was together with Jimin, he wouldn't even talk to Taehyung, who didn't know what was wrong.

The oblivious boy kept wondering why Jungkook was acting so odd and depressed. He hated when Jungkook ignored him.

No matter how much he took Jungkook's presence for granted, he always noticed when he wasn't around. He got this uneasy feeling inside him. As if, something was missing. But what?

"What did I do wrong now? Why is he ignoring me?" He thought.

"Hey dude. What are you doing?" He asked Jungkook.

But instead of replying, Jungkook just walked away with a straight face. Taehyung followed him across the hallway.

"Come on, man. I know you are ignoring me." He yelled. Jungkook didn't respond.

"What did I do wrong this time?" He asked. Jungkook stopped in his way giving Taehyung time to catch up.

"Did Jimin think I was a threat for him?" He joked, "After all, I am quite irresistible."

Jungkook just glared at him. He said nothing. He just kept walking.

"Speaking of, where is he? I usually see him at a two feet radius from you."

"I broke up with him." Jungkook said gruffly. This was the first time he had spoken to Taehyung in three days.

"What? Why? Oh poor guy. I feel bad for him." Taehyung joked.

For some reason he actually didn't feel bad. For anyone. He was okay with the fact that they broke up. In fact, he was actually... happy? But why?

But Jungkook stopped. He turned around, facing Taehyung. His face was red and his eyes looked like they were about to shed loads of tears.

"Yeah, you feel bad for him. I am sick of you Taehyung! Do you even care what I think? Did you even care to know if I was happy with him?" Jungkook practically yelled. Taehyung was taken aback.

"You didn't! You are the worst friend ever. And it isn't because of Jimin that I am ignoring you. It's you Kim Taehyung. It's because of you!" Jungkook shouted at him and ran away.

He couldn't stop his tears any longer. He felt horrible, rejected and miserable.

He ran towards the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He couldn't stop crying.

"Jungkook?" He heard a voice come closer.

"Go away, Taehyung!" He managed. But Taehyung was already inside. He had seen Jungkook crying.

"Jungkook, What's wrong? Is it Jimin? Did he say something to you? Did he break your heart?" Taehyung asked.

"Come on, Taehyung. Do you still think this is about Jimin?" Jungkook cried.

"Isn't it?" Taehyung kept his hand on Jungkook shoulder.

He shrugged him off. He looked him in the eye and said, "If you really don't know what this is about, it's just..." Jungkook took a breath. It was too much for him. "Taehyung, just leave. Leave me alone!"
Taehyung was at the Diner. Jungkook was not there yet. Chanyeol said he would be late as had some work to do.

Taehyung had not seen him since their last interaction. It had disturbed him a lot. What had he done to him? Why was Jungkook so depressed?

Taehyung couldn't get Jungkook out of his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about him. It was weird, even for Jungkook.

He had always known Jungkook for throwing tantrums over petty things. But he had never thought that it would ever be because of him.

He couldn't quite understand but seeing Jungkook sad, made him miserable. "I mean, that's how it works, right? You feel bad if your friend is sad."

Then why did he feel like this was not regular? He had never been so worried about anyone before. He couldn't get Jungkook's miserable face out of his head.

"Taehyung! What have you done?" Soobin yelled at him as he saw the pastry he had decorated.

Taehyung snapped back to reality from his thoughts and looked up at him.

"Oh my god. This is bad." Yeonjun started laughing.

"What?" Taehyung asked. He was clueless.

"You were supposed to write 'happy birthday'!" Soobin yelled.

Taehyung looked down at the cake. He had the icing bag in his hands. He read:


Yeonjun couldn't stop laughing.

"I don't understand-" Taehyung said...

"Cover it up, hyung." Soobin instructed.

"Yes. Yes, I am sorry. I don't know how-"

"It's okay. Just cover it up." Soobin told him as he walked away.

"Could you pass me the Jungkook?" Taehyung told Yeonjun. His eyes widened.

Soobin turned around and cleared his ears to confirm what he had heard.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Yeonjun asked him with a smile.

"What? Why wouldn't I be?" Taehyung asked.

"Because you just said 'could you pass me the Jungkook'!" Yeonjun exclaimed.

"So, I wasn't the only one who heard that?" Soobin said.

"What are you saying? I told you to pass me the spoon." Taehyung said, "Tell them, Beomgyu."

"Hyung, you said 'Jungkook'" he told him. A blush creeped up Taehyung's cheeks. What was wrong with him?

Okay, now I have almost reached the end of the fanfic. The coming chapters will be the last few. I hope you enjoy reading!

YOU MAKE ME BEGIN: A Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now