A Job

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"Sorry, we're late!" Jungkook and Taehyung spoke in chorus as they stood near the classroom door, panting.

Mr. Kim looked at his watch and then looked at them.

"Jungkook, Come in. Make sure you are not late again," he said.

Jungkook quickly came in and sat on his place. Taehyung waited for Mr. Kim to tell him to come in.

"Taehyung, you will stand near the door till this class ends. I also want to talk to after this..." With that, the teacher proceeded to teach.

"What? How is this fair?" Taehyung complained.

"Because you are Kim Taehyung," The teacher said. "Meet me after class, without fail."

Taehyung groaned. Meanwhile, Jungkook couldn't concentrate for heaven's sake. He kept thinking about the incidents of the previous night and this morning.

He kept smiling to himself like an idiot as he recollected the exchanges between him and Taehyung. The whole day, Jungkook was lost in his own world. He had no clue of what was going on around him.

School ended and Jungkook was walking down the stairs as he saw Taehyung near his bike. Jungkook quickly ran over to him.

"Hey," he said.

Taehyung, without bothering to look up at him, replied with a "hmm"

"Uh- What's up?" Jungkook awkwardly tried to start a conversation.

Taehyung took his helmet and wore it, "Right now, I'm going home."

"Oh," Jungkook scratched his head. "Well, my clothes are still at your 'house' so..."

"I'll give them to you tomorrow," Taehyung replied as he sat on his motorcycle. Jungkook got the vibe that he was avoiding him.

"I want them now," Jungkook said. It came out louder and more stern than he had expected.

"Why don't you calm down? I am not going to eat them."

"I have my wallet in those pants. Plus, I also have to return your clothes. And I want to do it now."

Taehyung realized that Jungkook wasn't going away soon, so he sighed, "Fine. Hop on." He took out a helmet and gave it to Jungkook, who smiled with his bunny teeth and sat behind him. He was satisfied.

Taehyung drove them to the Shack where Jungkook took his clothes.

"What should I do with your-"

"Just keep them. Give me later, okay?" Taehyung said.

Jungkook nodded. He noticed something was bothering Taehyung.

"What is it? Is something bothering you?" Jungkook asked.

"Nope. Nothing. Are you done?" Taehyung quickly said.

"Uh yeah."

"Okay then." Taehyung stood there nodding his head, signalling Jungkook to go.

"Yeah okay." He also stood there, not getting them signal.



"Aren't you gonna go?" Taehyung finally said.

"How am I supposed to go alone? I don't even know the way."

"It's simple. Just-"

"I know what your 'simple' means. Just drop me home, will you?" Jungkook hesitated a little. He literally commanded Kim Taehyung to drop him home.

YOU MAKE ME BEGIN: A Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now