Happy Endings?

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Jungkook woke up with a knock on his door. He could barely open his eyes. His head hurt. He didn't remember how he fell asleep last night.

"Morning," a voice whispered as the door slowly opened and a figure entered.

Jungkook sat up. His eyes had dark circles underneath them and his cheeks were puffed up.

"Looks like you haven't slept well,"

Jungkook did not respond. What did he want to hear now? That he cried like a baby last night after having his heart crushed by a bulldozer?

He started to leave when he felt Taehyung's grand grip him.

"No, stay. I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked that. It was pretty obvious you didn't sleep well. Because of me..." Taehyung's tone was glum.

His face also looked pale. Sad.

"Jungkook, don't feel bad for him. He is not the victim!" He said to himself.

No one said anything for a while. They kept staring at each other. Jungkook waited for an explanation, but there was none. He didn't know what to say next.

But suddenly he felt Taehyung's gaze drop and he saw him move closer. Jungkook gulped.

Taehyung kept his hands on Jungkook's cheeks and closed his eyes. Then he leaned in kissed him. He moved closer and the kiss became even more intense. Jungkook was shocked. He wasn't expecting this.

But before he got his heart crushed one more time by participating, he pulled out abruptly. Taehyung looked at him.

"What the heck, Taehyung?"


Jungkook started to leave but Taehyung held him back firmly.

"I am sorry..." Taehyung said. There was water in his eyes.

"It was a mistake again?" Jungkook coldly asked. "Taehyung, if you make a mistake once, it is okay, but repeating it is not! If you are just using me-"

"It wasn't!" Taehyung interrupted, surprising Jungkook. "It wasn't a mistake. What I said yesterday was."

"Listen, if this is just out of pity. Then I don't need..." Jungkook was interrupted.

He held Jungkook's hands and looked into his eyes. "I kissed you, because I like you. I thought a lot last night, and, it was my choice. It was my choice to kiss you up on the terrace. And it meant something..."

Jungkook didn't know what to say as he felt his hands being squeezed.

"...it meant, I liked you. I know, I didn't want to admit it earlier but I do now. I can't lose you, Jungkook. I am sorry, for what I said yesterday I was just scared..." his voice was cracking now.

"Hey, What were you scared of?" Jungkook put his hand softly on the side of his neck.

"I was scared that if I admitted I like you, I would lose what we have. I know, it sounds stupid, but I just-"

"Hey," Jungkook slowly rubbed his hand tickling Taehyung a little. "It's not stupid. I get it. Listen, if you don't want to, we can just be friends. Go back to how we were. You know, before all the complications. I will res-"

"No. I don't. I don't think I can be friends with you anymore..." Taehyung took out Jungkook's hand that was holding his cheek.

Jungkook was shocked.

"I can't be friends with you, because I like you way more. I know it now and I can't just deny it. It's something I have to face and I am ready to do it," he smiled. "With you..."

A tear came out of Jungkook's eye. He smiled and suddenly hugged Taehyung. Tightly. Taehyung also put his hands on his back and they hurried their faces in each other's necks.

"I like you a lot, Tae."

"I like you too...."

YOU MAKE ME BEGIN: A Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now