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"Are you sure it's okay if I stay?" Taehyung asked as they walked into Jungkook's house.

"Of course. Besides, I am not going to let you sleep in that freezing shack of yours." Jungkook replied.

He was still thinking about what happened before they fell in the water. Taehyung kissed him? Was that real or just an hallucination?

They both hadn't mentioned it since, but you could see the awkwardness between them.

"So you are gonna give me some dry clothes or what?" Taehyung said.

Jungkook passed a towel to him and lent him some clothes.

They both dried off and crashed on the couch. Both of them were sitting at the ends. There were awkward silences, pauses and what not.

"So, um. What do you want to do?" Taehyung said breaking the ice.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah, sure."

They decided upon a romantic comedy and started watching. Jungkook frequently glanced at Taehyung to see his reactions. He was still confused about their encounter earlier.

Why hadn't he mentioned it? Jungkook decided to build up some courage and make the first move this time.

"Taehyung?" He said as he cleared his throat.

"Hmm?" He asked. He was quite sleepy and was cutely hugging a pillow.

"About, ehm, the..." he took a deep breath, " kissed me."

Before Jungkook could continue, Taehyung quickly spoke up- "I am sorry about that. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable..."

"No, that's okay. In fact, I..." Jungkook was about to say.

"It was a mistake. I don't know what got into me," Taehyung laughed a little. But Jungkook was serious. He was hurt.

"A mistake?"

"Yeah, I mean, come on, you and me? It was just stupid." Taehyung joked.

"Right," Jungkook got up. "Ridiculous, really."

He was furious. Taehyung didn't mean anything by the kiss? It was just a mistake?

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asked.

"I Uh, I'm feeling sleepy. I'll go sleep in my room. You can sleep here, unless you want to sleep on the bed, then I can-"

"Jungkook, are you upset? You didn't think it meant anything, did you? I mean, it was just a kiss." Taehyung explained.

Jungkook didn't say anything. He turned around trying not to burst out of anger.


"How could it not have meant anything, Taehyung?" Jungkook suddenly bursted, "Of course I am upset. I like you Taehyung! Can you not see it? I've always liked you!"

Jungkook walked closer to him. There was some water in his eyes. He stared at Taehyung who gulped.

"I know, that deep down, you like me too. That kiss, it wasn't nothing. It meant something. I could feel our connection!" Jungkook started at his eyes looking for signs of a lie. He was confronting him now. He wanted answers.

"Jungkook, I am sorry, but it was just an instinct. I- uh- I mean, don't you like us the way we are? Best friends. Frenemies? Joking around. Dating, will just complicate things."

"Fine, then tell me you don't like me. Tell me that kiss meant nothing. Tell me that you don't care about me." Jungkook firmly said now. Taehyung took a step back. He was startled.
"Tell me that Taehyung, and I'll leave you."

"Jun-kook, w-why do you want to do this? Listen, I don't want to make things awkward between us. I like you, Jungkook, but only as a friend." He hesitated. His eyes immediately looked away from Jungkook's demanding glare.

"You don't mean that." Jungkook said, "Look me in the eye and tell me!"

His eyes were about to water now. He really needed Taehyung.

"Jungkook, Just- Just don't..." His voice faded as Jungkook walked away to his room. Taehyung was left there standing. He knew he hadn't answered the question.

Not the question Jungkook asked, but the one he had asked himself. Did he like him? He couldn't. Jungkook was his friend. He liked things the way they were.

But wasn't it him who flirted with Jungkook?

That was just a joke.

Wasn't it him who kept following Jungkook?

He was new at the job!

Wasn't it him, who covered up for Jungkook?

That's how you help a friend.

Wasn't it him who kissed Jungkook!

It- It didn't mean...

Fine, then imagine your life without him. Will you last without seeing him? How will you explain the butterflies you get when you are around him? Explain why you saw him the night you were sick. Explain why you kept calling his name!

Taehyung couldn't sleep that night. The small voice inside his head wouldn't let him! He was so sure, but....

Jungkook cried himself to sleep that night. Was Taehyung just a player who used him? But he had seen him. He had seen a soul in him. He knew he wasn't someone who would do that. Then why? How did he so coldly reject him?

YOU MAKE ME BEGIN: A Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now