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Ever since Jungkook heard him sing, he couldn't get Taehyung's voice out of his head. He became curious about him and wanted to know why he acted so mean to him.

One day, Jungkook was late to class. He had to help his grandma go somewhere. He ran to the door and asked permission to enter.

"I'm sorry. I'm late!" He told the teacher.

The teacher warned him against being late again and told him to take a seat. Jungkook found a vacant desk and he sat there. The class had already started so Jungkook could not tell where to start.

He looked around him for someone to guide him with the class' progress but everyone was busy writing their notes. No one cared to look up and he had no friends to ask.

He tried talking to the guys behind him and asking them but everyone rudely ignored him.

"Stop talking you boy!" The teacher scolded him. Jungkook was scared. He didn't know what to do. He started to tap his pen. His eyes started to water. He had never been late to class before. No one would help him.

That's when he saw someone slide and sit beside him. He recognized the familiar blonde boy. "Here. We are on page 24." The boy whispered as he guided Jungkook.

Jungkook's lips instantly curled into a smile. "Thanks Jimin!" But as he thought more, he became suspicious. "Wait. Is this a prank? Where is Taehyung? Did he put you up to this?" Jungkook panicked. Seeing Taehyung's past record, this was highly possible.

"Jeez! Calm down man. Taehyung is absent today. This is not a trick. I know I have been mean to you in the past but I really want to be your friend." Jimin told him.

Jungkook nodded. He believed him. He was actually relieved that Taehyung was on leave. At least Jimin talked to him now.

After the class was over, Jimin followed Jungkook. "I know I haven't been very nice to you these past few days. Want me to make it up to you?" Jimin asked.

"What are you planning on doing?" Jungkook questioned him.

"Well, I'll hang out with you for the whole day, show you fun things, introduce you to my friends, you know?"

"Why couldn't you do that when Taehyung was here? Too scared?" Jungkook asked. As much as he tried, it bothered him that Jimin was a coward in front of Taehyung.

Jimin's smiled with guilt as he spoke, "Tae is just like that Jungkook. He doesn't get along with people easily..."

"But what did I ever do to him? He hates me for no reason! Is he this mean to everyone?" Jungkook inquired.

"Just forget about him for today okay? I'm sure he'll like you soon. You are a nice guy." Jimin smiled as he gave him a tug on his shoulder, "Look! We have biology now right?"

Jungkook nodded. The whole day went pretty well for Jungkook. He had never had so much fun before. Most importantly, he had a friend. Jimin introduced him to their gang.

There was Jin, who was the eldest, he was a nice guy and Jungkook thought he was pretty funny. He met Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi, who were a year older than them.

Jungkook was surprised to see that all of them were so kind to him. He could not believe that they were friends of a monster like Taehyung. All of the boys also liked Jungkook. They told him fun things about their gang and they hung out a lot.

"I can't believe you are friends with someone as  cruel as Taehyung." Jungkook told Jimin as they walked down the stairs, "You are so much nicer than him. You all are. Why do you even hang out with him?"

Jimin's smile faded. He looked away and said, "Jungkook, Taehyung is not as bad as he seems."

"Yeah sure he isn't." Jungkook scoffed.

"No really. He just acts tough on the outside But from the inside, he is a very nice guy. You just don't know him yet. And he is just like you..."

Jungkook coughed, "What?"

"I think you guys could be really good friends. It's just that Taehyung isn't comfortable around new people. He acts mean and cold but he has a good heart. I know it." Jimin said, "He wasn't like this when I met him. He was the nicest guy you could meet... generous and friendly." It looked as if something was bothering him, "These days, he has changed a lot."

"Taehyung and nice? Those two words don't go in the same sentence..." Jungkook said coldly.

"Don't be so fast in judging him Jungkook, he has a lot going on in his family. I think he stays upset because of it..." Jimin blurted.

"What problems?" Jungkook asked.

"It's not my place to say Kookie. I am worried for him." Jimin said.

"And you have to support him because he is your friend. I get it." Jungkook sighed.

"He is not just my friend Jungkook..." Jimin hesitated.

They were interrupted by a horn of a car.

"Look! My mom is here to pick me up. I'll see you tomorrow Kookie! Bye." Jimin smiled as he ran towards the car.

Jungkook waved goodbye. He smiled at the nickname. Kookie. He wondered about what Jimin had said. About Taehyung being a nice guy. Was he really a good person from inside?

YOU MAKE ME BEGIN: A Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now