You Have A Gift

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A few days passed as Jungkook got used to his new school. He got used the Taehyung being mean and Jimin not doing anything about it.

At first it troubled Jungkook that Jimin didn't stand up for him, but then he realised that Taehyung was a much older friend of his and Jimin had to support him.

Also, he had seen how intimidating Taehyung was. He didn't want Jimin to get into trouble because of him.

Every class Taehyung made Jungkook trip and mocked him. He threw paper balls at him and tore his things.

Jungkook was fed up of this but he remembered his grandma's words, "Jungkook, you must be a good boy. Never hurt anyone intentionally."

Jungkook hadn't gotten any more friends yet but he distracted himself from the bad things by music. He loved singing and writing songs.

A full week he waited for his only music class that was going to be on Friday. He was sad that it was only once a week but there was nothing he could do about it.

Jungkook has reached the classroom way before time. He was too excited to miss anything. He held his notebook with his compositions and lyrics in his hand as he sat on a desk waiting for everyone to arrive.

Soon, the classroom was filled with students. They all stood up and bowed as the teacher entered the class, Miss. Jenny.

"Good morning everyone!" She beamed with joy as she went near the piano to play a tune. It was a familiar song. Everyone sang along as she tuned and corrected them. Jungkook also sang along.

After the song was over she turned to the class.

"So who all have done the assignment I gave last class?" She asked.

As she was looking for a response, her eyes spotted Jungkook, "Are you new? I don't think I have seen you before." She asked him.

"Yes. My name is Jungkook. I arrived four days ago." Jungkook politely replied.

"Well. Do you like to sing?" She asked.

"Yes. Music is my life." Jungkook replied with passion.

"So would you like to sing a few lines for us Jungkook?"

"Uh..." he hesitated.

"Come on man. Show us what you got!" He heard someone say and everyone started clapping. Jungkook shyly walked to the front of the class and cleared his throat.

"Don't be nervous. I'm sure you'll do great." Miss. Jenny encouraged him.

Jungkook took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and started to sing. His melodious voice filled the whole room with charm and warmth. The class silenced completely and the only voice that was heard was Jungkook's.

Everyone listened to him sing. It was like birds chirping. Miss. Jenny was surprised to hear Jungkook's angelic voice.

Even when Jungkook bowed and ended his song, as if in an enchantment, everyone kept staring at him. He got very nervous. The classroom was dead quiet. Everyone was mesmerised.

No one spoke a word until Miss. Jenny stood up from her chair and started clapping. Everyone joined her. It looked as if she was about to cry.

"That was amazing Jungkook! Has anyone ever told you that you have a gift?" She shook his hand.

"Thank you Miss. Jenny." Jungkook humbly bowed. He was confident, that just like his previous school, he was going to be the best singer in the class. Proud of himself, he returned to his seat.

Everyone stared at him with awe until the teacher cleared her throat. "Right. So class..." She started but she was interrupted by a bang on the door. A tall boy with brown hair stood there panting with his hands on his knees.

"Sorry I am late!" He spoke as he breathed heavily.

"Kim Taehyung. This is the fifth time you are late for my class..." Miss. Jenny scolded.

Taehyung? Jungkook was surprised that someone like him would have any interest in music. You had to have a soul for music which was absent in Kim Taehyung.

Another blonde boy came running from behind him. "We're so sorry miss..." he began...

"Come inside Jimin. It's okay. Don't be late again." The teacher said.

Jimin ran inside the class, Taehyung followed him but he was blocked by Miss. Jenny. "Not you Taehyung. You are going to tell me why you are not taking my class seriously."

"I was just stuck up miss..." Taehyung tried.

"Stuck up in what? Making out with you girlfriends?" She scolded.

Jungkook observed as the teacher yelled at him. He had never seen Taehyung get into trouble before. He couldn't help but smile a little.

"Boyfriend actually..." He mumbled but his shoulder was hit by Miss. Jenny.

"Don't you dare answer me back. You are going get detention."

"No please Miss. Jenny. I have done the assignment." Taehyung said. Jungkook could tell from his face that he was lying.

"Is that so? Then show it to us." Miss said.


"I said show it to us. What have you composed? Sing it. Or you are going to fail music this year." She threatened.

"Uh... actually..." he tried to make an excuse.

"Go on. Sing."

Taehyung sighed as he came in front of the class. Jungkook was laughing to himself. He was so sure that Taehyung couldn't even sing a word. He cursed him inside his mind but his thoughts were interrupted by a deep voice. A singing voice.

Jungkook turned his head up. He rubbed his eyes and cleared his ears. Taehyung was singing in. front of them. Was it Taehyung's voice? How could he sing so well? His voice enchanted Jungkook.

His mouth fell open in awe to the bewildering song that he was hearing. He had never heard anyone sing so beautifully before. Anyone, including himself.

More importantly, he was surprised that Taehyung was better than him. He couldn't stop listening to the amazing voice. "Oh," Jungkook thought, "How can he be such a jerk?"

After Taehyung's song was done, everyone was spell bound. Jungkook was in utter shock. Taehyung looked at the teacher. She, instead of praising him, hit him on his arm.

"Ouch." Taehyung yelled.

"You are so talented Kim Taehyung. Don't waste your talent." She said and told him to go sit somewhere.

Jungkook kept staring at Taehyung in awe. He couldn't tell if he was jealous, amazed, angry or confused at this moment.

"What are you staring at, dork?" Taehyung lightly hit Jungkook's head as he passed him and took his seat next to Jimin.

Jungkook shook his head and got back to his senses, responding to him with a scowl. The cat fight continued...

YOU MAKE ME BEGIN: A Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now