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Prepared to be shook to your core

"Harry," he breathed out in surprise.

Harry's eyes widened at the change in his voice. "Yes?"

"I remember. I remember you. And Hermione, and Ron, and everyone."

Harry let out a shaky breath that he must have been holding for a while, and wrapped Draco in a tight hug.

"Thank you for fixing my flower crown," Draco whispered.

"Anything for you, angel" Harry replied, pulling back slightly.

Draco was overcome with the urge to say I love you, but he held it back in favor of kissing Harry.


It had been a week since Draco had regained his memory, and problems were already surfacing.

Firstly, although Smith wasn't at school, Daphne and Theodore were, and they seemed to really enjoy tormenting Draco.

Secondly, Draco's parents still had no idea who had broken into their house, but they were dead set on the idea that it was Harry. (They weren't too far off)

Third, they had far from enough money to get out of here, and it was taking much longer than any of them anticipated.

Lastly, Hermione's parents had kicked her out of her house, and they were in more of a rush than ever to get the fuck out of there.

It wasn't all bad though. In the week since Draco had regained his memory, Astoria had started hanging out with them much more. Pansy couldn't seem to decide if she liked her or Hermione more.

Neville and Blaise had also seemed to take an interest in each other, something Ginny and Hermione were far too excited about.

Speaking of...

Draco glanced up from his spot on Harry's lap to see Blaise and Neville talking, standing far too close to each other to be considered friendly.

"Make out already!" Hermione cheered. Ginny laughed in agreement.

Blaise sighed dramatically. "Woman, I've already taken his virginity, what more do you want from me?"

"What?" Harry and Draco yelled at the same time. Neville turned bright red, but didn't deny it.

"I fucking called it!" Ginny cheered, as a groaning Ron handed her ten bucks. "Fuck you Ron, and your 'it'll take them two weeks at least'!"

"Why are you my sister?" Ron mumbled under his breath.

"Are y'all like dating now or what?" Pansy asked loudly.

Blaise shrugged. "I dunno." He turned to Neville. "Hey, be my boyfriend?" Upon Neville's shy smile and nod, he turned back around. "Yeah, guess so."

Hermione squealed, a much higher sound than Draco ever thought could escape black-coated lips. Pansy and Ginny cheered. Harry just laughed, and Astoria smiled. Ron mumbled about his lost money.

"Congratulations," Luna said sweetly. Neville gave her a grateful smile while Blaise gave her a wink.

"Wow, I just love being single!" Pansy said dramatically, throwing herself over the arm of the couch. "I'm surrounded by couples! Is this karma? What did I do?"

Draco laughed. "You broke my toy train when we were seven."

Pansy laughed. "Karma whyyyyyyy?!" she shouted dramatically. "It was an accident!"

Astoria huffed slightly, seeming to be fighting with herself. When her eyes caught Draco's, he winked and glanced at Pansy. She blushed, and her eyes, too, traveled to his dramatic best friend.

"I'm dead inside," Pansy said decidedly. "I'll die alone, I'll have thirty-five cats, I'll live in some dude's basement."

"Oh please," Astoria laughed softly. "Stand up, weirdo."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Pansy protested, standing up.

Astoria also stood up, and in three steps she was across the room and kissing Pansy.

Hermione cheered, and this time Ginny was groaning and handing Ron ten dollars.

"You can take your 'Pansmione' and shove it up your ass," Ron said cheerfully.

Draco laughed leaning back.

Maybe they would all be okay after all.

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