2/1/19 - Funny

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"Ohhh, a lovers' quarrel!" Ro clapped her hands. "Those are my favorite. Anyone have snacks? I feel like we should have snacks for this."

- Ro, Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger

I chose this quote because Ro is the spirit animal of the average fangirl/boy. This is literally me when something's happening with my OTP. 

I couldn't find the quote I really wanted to put, also by Ro, which should be the motto of all fangirls/fanboys. It goes something along the lines of, "Is anyone else chanting 'Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!' right now?"

The answer to that question is yes. I'm always chanting "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" When my OTP is involved! 

(Btw, if anyone has the exact quote, please let me know so I can put it in! Thank you!)

Anyways, have a wonderful night! See you tomorrow!

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