2/4/19 - Funny

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"Why do clothes never have enough pockets? There should always be lots of pockets . . . the more pockets the better!"

- Sophie Foster, Keeper of the Lost Cities

This statement is completely accurate. I could go on and on about my opinions on pockets, but I don't need to, because Sophie does it for me. 

However, I will say that worse than not having enough pockets is when you have a pair of pants that looks like it has pockets, but you discover that they don't. Why cruel world!?  Why do you lie to me and make me suffer!?

In my opinion, all pockets should be deep enough to stick your entire hand in. Most pockets, at least on girl's jeans, are barely deep enough to stick your fingertips in. I mean, what's the point!?

My strong opinion on pockets is why this made me so happy: "There wasn't a single gown in the mix, which automatically earned Sophie's undying devotion. But more important: There were so. Many. Pockets.

"Zippered pockets lining each pant leg. Slim pockets hidden inside the waistband. And each tunic was full of secret compartments: under the sash, hidden in the sleeves, tucked under the collars. Plus lots more pockets hidden in the capes. Even the tops of the boots had pockets---and no sign of heels. And the designs were streamlined and simple---the tunics a little shorter to keep them out of the way, the pants stretchier to allow for a wider range of motion. Darker, deeper colors to help her blend in. No jewels. No lace. Nothing decorative---unless it hid a pocket." 

I don't know about you, but I could really use some of that in my life. Please vote and comment below if you agree with me. Also, it would be amazing if you could tell all your friends about this quote book. I hope you're enjoying it so far!

And yes, I know I technically put two quotes today, but they're related. And sorry for ranting, but pockets are something I'm apparently passionate about. Shannon Messenger and I share a lot of the same views, like on pockets.

Bye! Have a wonderful day! #pockets4life

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