2/11/19 - Funny

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"Game faces on, everyone! That goes for you too, Grandma. Channel your inner old lady."

Sandor raised his cane like he was considering clubbing Keefe over the head with it."

- Shannon Messenger, Keeper of the Lost Cities

I am like Sandor in this moment. If you didn't know, Sandor is a goblin bodyguard, and he is currently disguised as an old woman.

I just relate to this because I am always type cast as an old lady. I have been in eight plays, (including The Three Musketeers right now). I have been an alternate twice, an extra once, and a somewhat elderly woman................... five times.

So pretty much, every time I've gotten an actual role with lines, I have been an old lady. (Well, I guess Irena in I Never Saw Another Butterfly wasn't technically old, but she was an adult and everyone else was a child, so she counts;)

Pretty much, if there is an old lady in a play my school performs, and I audition, I will be the old lady.

Anyways, that's partly why I like this so much. I've never been old before, so "Channeling my inner old lady" is something I've had to learn to do.

Also, in the last play I was in, The Groom Has Cold Feet, I got to strangle someone with a cane, which is almost as good as clubbing them with it.

Sorry this is so late tonight, but it's my little brother's birthday, (he turned 11. Gee, do I feel old), and I had like four lengthy assignments that I was supposed to do over the weekend but I forgot about them, so I was catching up.

Anyways, please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! And be sure to "Channel your inner old lady!"

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