3/19/19 - Inspirational

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"Sometimes the greatest power comes from showing mercy, especially to those who may not deserve it."

- Shannon Messenger, Keeper of the Lost Cities

This is so true. It can be hard to be merciful to those who have wronged you, especially if they hurt you a lot, whether physically or emotionally. 

But if instead of fighting back, you are kind to them, it gives you a kind of power over them that you would not have otherwise. If you are merciful, not only will they have a harder time hurting you again, but God will back you up because you turned the other cheek instead of taking an eye for an eye. You would be completely blameless.

There are those who don't deserve our mercy or our forgiveness. But forgive them and show mercy anyways. Let God decide who deserves mercy. As it says in D&C 64:10, "I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive of all men." 

You may not think someone deserves your mercy. And sometimes they don't. But Jesus even forgave those who killed him. If he could be merciful to them, you can be merciful to that bully at school or your employee that didn't do as good of a job as they should of.

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful day! And remember to show mercy to even your enemies.

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