3/21/19 - Inspirational

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"Faith isn't knowledge, Rachel. Faith is a tool. Faith keeps us going until we get the knowledge. Faith keeps us striving until we reach the consequences of our most important decisions."

― Brandon Mull, Beyonders: Chasing the Prophecy

Faith is one of the most important things to have. Without faith, we would be hopeless beings with nowhere to turn to when we're struggling. We'd see no possible way to get out of our situations. We would be miserable. If we knew everything, faith would not exist.

 Alma 32:21 says, "And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true."

You can't see the sun during the nighttime, but you know that it is there and that it will rise in the morning. That's faith.

You can't see God, and you can't see the future. But in the same way you know the sun will rise in the morning, you can have faith in God. You can have faith that things will work out for you in the future.

Faith, that belief and desire for the good things to come, is what gets you through the hard times. If you have faith that things will get better, it makes trials seem less disheartening. It doesn't make it easy, but it makes it seem possible, and gives you the strength to endure it.

Your faith in God can also help you through trials. If you have faith that He is there, you will be comforted in knowing that you have someone to back you up, who knows what you're going through, and can see into the future that you have faith in.

I have faith that we will do well in our Theatre competition tomorrow. IT'S TOMORROW, GUYS!!!!! We've been working our butts off since January 7th in preparation for tomorrow!!!!!

I should probably go to sleep now so I have enough energy for the big day.

So please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! And whatever you're going through, don't lose faith!

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